What You Have Heard Is True Test | Final Test - Medium

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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What You Have Heard Is True Test | Final Test - Medium

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old was Leonel at the time Forche was making all her trips back and forth to El Salvador?
(a) About 37.
(b) About 50.
(c) About 45.
(d) About 25.

2. Why does Leonel take Forche to Ahuachapan?
(a) To eat the local cuisine.
(b) To meet his grandmother.
(c) To observe the human rights abuses at the prison there.
(d) To hike up a famous mountain.

3. What does Leonel ask the people farming his land to do in an effort to help them become more self-sufficient?
(a) Invest in the stock market.
(b) Form a cooperative.
(c) Make their children work on the farm, too.
(d) Use the black market.

4. Who visits Fina's village under cloak of darkness while Forche is there?
(a) A young Catholic priest.
(b) An American soldier.
(c) A spy with the CIA.
(d) Oscar Romero.

5. Why are the authorities in El Salvador after Margarita, even though they do not know her identity?
(a) She broadcasts on the Church's radio station, YSAX.
(b) She is the daughter of a wealthy general and they want to kidnap her.
(c) She has spray-painted provocative art all over the city.
(d) She donates a lot of money to the resistance.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Leonel have a poster of in his own house that Forche recognizes?

2. Why is Leonel against Forche going to Aguilares with the nuns?

3. What does Forche tell Leonel that Bud, Claribel's husband, told her about him?

4. Why did Salvadorans put rags and garbage on trees sometimes?

5. What does Leonel tell Forche about the textiles in Guatemala?

Short Essay Questions

1. What recurring nightmare does Forche have as a child that she is reminded of again in El Salvador?

2. What happens to Forche and Margarita that shakes Forche to her core and produces great feelings of fear?

3. What does Forche see in the prison Ahuachapan that shakes her to her core?

4. What happens to Forche that lands her in a Salvadoran hospital and produces hallucinations?

5. Why does Margarita suggest that Forche borrow a dress and good shoes from her?

6. What does Forche tell Chenco, the young priest who comes to say mass at the poor village she stays in briefly, about why Leonel cares what North Americans think about El Salvador?

7. What does Forche's experiences with Vietnam mostly consist of?

8. Why does Leonel reject the idea of Forche pretending she is a nun while in El Salvador?

9. What does Leonel tell Forche when she rebukes him for not giving some of his land to the peasants?

10. What does Leonel tell Forche about Colonel Chacon?

(see the answer keys)

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