What You Have Heard Is True Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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What You Have Heard Is True Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Leonel say poets are perceived in El Salvador?
(a) They are confined to academia.
(b) They are taken very seriously and often appointed to high-level jobs.
(c) They all live to old ages.
(d) They are expected to write flattering material about the government.

2. What does using the outdoor latrine in the campo remind Forche of?
(a) Her childhood summers in Michigan.
(b) Her trip to Mallorca.
(c) Her days in the Peace Corps.
(d) Her days in New Mexio.

3. Who does Leonel ask Forche to write to to help vouch for him?
(a) Leonel's ex-wife.
(b) The U.S. ambassador to El Salvador.
(c) Tom Anderson, another American writer.
(d) Claribel, Forche's friend.

4. How do the workers on Leonel's farm draw water from the drum?
(a) Using horses.
(b) Using mules.
(c) Using strong hoses.
(d) Using a system with a stationary bicycle.

5. What are the people who disappear without a trace called?
(a) Desperados.
(b) The Lost.
(c) The Fallen.
(d) Desaparecidos.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of vehicle do Forche and Leonel take on her first trip to the campo?

2. What does Leonel have tucked inside a magazine in his car that shocks Forche at first?

3. What is another name for the death squads?

4. Which Salvadoran military figure does Leonel have a burning hatred for?

5. Where had Forche's friend Maya convinced her to travel with her when Forche was 27?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Forche's experience observing and helping in Dr. Vicky's hospital?

2. What does Leonel do immediately when he arrives at Forche's house and continue doing for several days?

3. How does Forche feel that Leonel misunderstands her work as a poet?

4. What is Forche's reaction when Leonel asks her if she is a Catholic?

5. What does Forche think Margarita Herrera's first impression of her is?

6. What did Forche's experiences living in New Mexico when she was 23 teach her?

7. What does Leonel tell Forche about the way poets are perceived in El Salvador?

8. Why does Forche give up on the idea of a medical career as a young woman?

9. What is Leonel's occupation, at least ostensibly, and what does Forche think about the way he does his work?

10. What is one of the frustrating things about traveling with Leonel that bothers Forche?

(see the answer keys)

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