What You Have Heard Is True Test | Final Test - Easy

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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What You Have Heard Is True Test | Final Test - Easy

Carolyn Forché
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the fire in the barrio remind Forche about?
(a) A fire that burned down her house as a child.
(b) A fire that burned down her dormitory in college.
(c) A recurring nightmare she had as a child of ashes and people who were burned.
(d) A fire that killed her friend as a child.

2. Why do the Salvadoran poets ask Forche not to use their real names if she publishes their poems?
(a) They are ashamed of their work.
(b) They need to be able to leave the country and they will not be able to leave if people know they wrote the poems.
(c) They do not like their real names.
(d) They are afraid of what the government would do to them if they found out they wrote the poems.

3. Why does Leonel want to take Forche to Chichi?
(a) So she can meet the president there.
(b) So she can see market day.
(c) So she can learn how to do Mayan weaving.
(d) So she can meet a good friend of his.

4. What was the visual warning of the Mano Blanca group?
(a) A lock of hair from a prisoner of theirs taped to a door.
(b) A severed finger left on a porch.
(c) A red X on a building or wall.
(d) A white handprint on a building or wall.

5. What does Leonel tell her about driving to the poorer neighborhoods during the rainy season?
(a) He needs to use his better car with bigger tires.
(b) It is impossible to drive, so he has to walk.
(c) He contracts a better driver to take him places.
(d) He only flies in planes during the rainy season instead of driving.

6. Which of the following did poet Pablo Neruda write about El Salvador?
(a) The blood of dead peasants has not dried.
(b) The country is not yet ready to heal.
(c) The stench of death is always in the air.
(d) The nuns are at great risk.

7. What did Forche know the song Madre was about?
(a) Losing one's mother.
(b) Eating good food.
(c) Having a good nanny.
(d) The mining of the waters of Haiphong.

8. Why does Leon tell Forche he never enters churches?
(a) He hates priests.
(b) He is not a religious man.
(c) He is barred from churches.
(d) He hates holy water.

9. At what discount store does Forche buy supplies to take to El Salvador with her?
(a) K-Mart.
(b) Gemco.
(c) Costco.
(d) Wolworth's.

10. In Leonel's story about the businessmen's negotiations with the peasants, what do the businessmen refuse to give the peasants?
(a) A cow.
(b) A bar of gold.
(c) Toilet paper.
(d) Coffee.

11. What does the religious figure with Forche say they all must do for the person whose abduction they witnessed?
(a) Track him.
(b) Take a photograph of the van that he was forced into.
(c) Call his family.
(d) Pray for him.

12. Which French resistance poet does Forche admire?
(a) Bonaparte.
(b) Rene Char.
(c) Claude Bonet.
(d) Jean-Paul Sartre.

13. Which of the following books did Leonel stay up late reading during his visit to Forche in the U.S.?
(a) The Prince of Tides.
(b) The Military Art of People's War.
(c) The Catcher in the Rye.
(d) The Westing Game.

14. What does Leonel ask Greg, the American engineer in Guatemala, to do for them?
(a) Design and make a collapsible, transportable bridge.
(b) Design a new weapon for them.
(c) To make a water purifier for them.
(d) To make a heating device for them so they can camp more comfortably.

15. Why are the authorities in El Salvador after Margarita, even though they do not know her identity?
(a) She is the daughter of a wealthy general and they want to kidnap her.
(b) She broadcasts on the Church's radio station, YSAX.
(c) She has spray-painted provocative art all over the city.
(d) She donates a lot of money to the resistance.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who were most of the people Forche saw walking along the roadside in Guatemala?

2. What were the wars in Argentina and Chile referred to as?

3. What is one of the things Leonel tells Forche Chacon does with his victims' bodies?

4. Who does Leonel tell Forche are some of the prisoners at Ahuachapan?

5. What had Forche failed to do when she returned to El Salvador and things went badly wrong for her three times?

(see the answer keys)

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