What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Elizabeth Catte
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Elizabeth Catte
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In April of 2019, filmmakers in what state "hosted the fourth Appalachian Queer Film Festival" (51)?
(a) Alabama.
(b) Mississippi.
(c) Tennessee.
(d) West Virginia.

2. In what state did private detectives hired by a negotiating coal company terrorize women and children with machine gun fire?
(a) Kentucky.
(b) West Virginia.
(c) Tennessee.
(d) Mississippi.

3. Hillbilly Elegy is classified as what type of literature?
(a) A collection of short stories.
(b) A novel.
(c) A memoir.
(d) Poetry.

4. Which two ethnic groups are said to "have fueled more than half of Appalachia's population growth" (10)?
(a) African American and Hispanic individuals.
(b) African American and Central American individuals.
(c) African American and Asian American individuals.
(d) African American and Native American individuals.

5. What video game is said to contain a reference to the Hatfield-McCoy feud?
(a) Skyrim.
(b) Overwatch.
(c) World of Warcraft.
(d) Minecraft.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many registered voters resided within McDowell County during the 2016 presidential election?

2. Catte states that Appalachians and their culture "are often relegated to" (9) what?

3. Whose voices are often excluded from conversations about Appalachia in the media, according to Catte?

4. Catte confesses to the reader that the 2016 election results "caused setbacks" (52) for her in relation to retaining what quality?

5. Bo Copley became a "coal country celebrity" (50) after a tense encounter with which politician?

Short Essay Questions

1. What strategy does Catte present as part of her plan of action for living in "Trump Country" (52) and what actions does she say she will refrain from taking?

2. List the problems in the Appalachian region, according to Catte.

3. What is Catte's main claim about the problems of the Appalachia region?

4. What distinction does Catte make between empathy and solidarity?

5. What evidence does Catte use to support her claim about the environmental problems in Texas?

6. What action is suggested as "making it easier to paint Appalachians as perpetual victims" (52) and why?

7. What is the significance of the term "Murderland" (40) when used by T.C. Crawford?

8. What event does Elizabeth Catte use to mark the timing of her move out of Appalachia six months before a particular event?

9. Provide the facts of the most basic interpretation of the Hatfield-McCoy feud.

10. What is Hillbilly Elegy?

(see the answer keys)

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