What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elizabeth Catte
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elizabeth Catte
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what part of the United States is Appalachia located?
(a) Western.
(b) Northern.
(c) Eastern.
(d) Southern.

2. What phrase does Catte use to name the nonfiction genre associated with John Saward's essay in Vanity Fair?
(a) Trump Country.
(b) The Trump Oasis.
(c) The Trump Delusion.
(d) The Land of Trump.

3. The University of Chicago's S.S. MacClintock wrote about the Hatfield-McCoy feud in which journal?
(a) American Journal of Sociology.
(b) American Journal of Criminal Law.
(c) American Journal of Psychology.
(d) American Journal of Cultural Anthropology.

4. Catte states that in a "former life," (54) she had served in what position?
(a) A librarian.
(b) A translator.
(c) A social worker.
(d) A coal miner.

5. Catte finds the most fault with which element of Vance's public persona during the book tour for Hillbilly Elegy?
(a) Ulterior motives.
(b) Humility.
(c) Deception.
(d) Self-hatred.

6. Catte laments that the memoir Hillbilly Elegy is populated by men who take what action?
(a) Shirk employment.
(b) Embrace their powerlessness.
(c) Hate their culture.
(d) Commit acts of violence.

7. The filmmaker Colin Low is quoted as stating that "A camera is like" (58) what object?
(a) A gun.
(b) An eraser.
(c) A time machine.
(d) A sword.

8. What is the name of the man who wrote Hillbilly Elegy?
(a) John Vance.
(b) Miles Vance.
(c) J.D. Vance.
(d) Evan Vance.

9. What kind of Darwinism posited a link between privilege and innate superiority?
(a) Psychological.
(b) Marxist.
(c) Social.
(d) Ethnocentric.

10. During the week of battle between the private army and the mine workers, what phrase did the miners and their scouts use to identify their allies?
(a) Sixteen tons.
(b) Underground resistance.
(c) I come creeping.
(d) Workers' rights forever.

11. Catte insists that people in power use the designation of otherness for Appalachia for what reason?
(a) For posterity.
(b) For profit.
(c) For entertainment.
(d) For research.

12. Catte and her partner moved from one state to another how many months before the 2016 presidential election?
(a) 6.
(b) 9.
(c) 3.
(d) 2.

13. Catte states that Appalachians and their culture "are often relegated to" (9) what?
(a) The South.
(b) The Midwest.
(c) The land of pariahs.
(d) The past.

14. According to Catte, citizens of Appalachia often view their identity as what metaphorical object?
(a) A mirror.
(b) A statue.
(c) A ball of string.
(d) A weathered suitcase.

15. How many dollars did Hugh O'Connor pay the young miner for the use of the miner's image?
(a) 2.
(b) 10.
(c) 3.
(d) 5.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Catte assert about the number of people "who know and celebrate a different Appalachia" (9)?

2. Approximately how many square miles make up the region of Appalachia?

3. In what state did private detectives hired by a negotiating coal company terrorize women and children with machine gun fire?

4. Both Trump and what other candidate won Appalachia by a wide margin in the 2016 West Virginia primary?

5. What is the only state entirely within Appalachia?

(see the answer keys)

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