What Was She Thinking? Notes on a Scandal Test | Final Test - Easy

Zoe Heller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What Was She Thinking? Notes on a Scandal Test | Final Test - Easy

Zoe Heller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Barbara feel guilty at the beginning of Chapter 14?
(a) She stayed home from school to spend time with Sheba.
(b) She told the school's headmaster about Sheba.
(c) She spoke to Bangs about Sheba and Steven.
(d) She canceled plans with Sheba and Richard.

2. Why does Barbara think that Pabblem is calling her into his office in Chapter 15?
(a) To restructure the math deparment.
(b) To speak about the Ireland trip.
(c) To discuss Steven's academic record.
(d) To talk about Sheba's teaching.

3. Where does Richard want to purchase real estate?
(a) The Northern Circle.
(b) The Southern Valley.
(c) The West Side.
(d) The East End.

4. What does Sheba do immediately after her fight with Barbara over the manuscript?
(a) She calls her mother.
(b) She locks herself in her room.
(c) She begs Steven to come back to her.
(d) She leaves to go back to Richard's.

5. Why is Sheba crying when Barbara returns from the market in Chapter 16?
(a) Sheba has found Barbara's manuscript.
(b) Eddie is going to throw Barbara and Sheba out of the house.
(c) Sheba has just heard from Steven.
(d) Barbara's cat has died.

6. Why is Richard angry when Sheba returns from Steven's at the end of Chapter 14?
(a) He did not know where she was or when she would return.
(b) She was with Barbara.
(c) He knew she was at Steven's.
(d) She took Richard's car without permission.

7. Where does Steven get the phrase "Foxy Lady" for the portrait he gives to Sheba?
(a) From a magazine his father bought him.
(b) From a movie he saw with his neighbor.
(c) From a poster in his room.
(d) From his friends at school.

8. What does Barbara say to Steven when she runs into him outside of the men's restroom after Sheba is arrested?
(a) She calls him a profane word.
(b) She asks if he has spoken to Sheba.
(c) She begs him to recant.
(d) She thanks him for his honesty.

9. Where does Mrs. Taylor say she is going in Chapter 17?
(a) Ireland.
(b) India.
(c) America.
(d) France.

10. Why is Sheba irritated with Steven at the end of Chapter 10?
(a) He said something vulgar to her.
(b) He said something nasty about Barbara.
(c) He told his father about the affair.
(d) He left without saying goodbye.

11. In Chapter 14, what reason does Sheba's mother give to Sheba for Polly running away?
(a) Polly is in love with Steven.
(b) Polly wants to be with her boyfriend.
(c) Polly suspects Sheba of having an affair.
(d) Polly hates Barbara.

12. Why does Barbara consider calling Richard at the beginning of Chapter 17?
(a) Barbara wants to check on Sheba's children.
(b) Barbara misses Richard's company.
(c) Sheba is very upset.
(d) Barbara wonders if Richard has any news about Steven.

13. Why does Barbara assume that Sheba will have to take her wherever she goes?
(a) Barbara has been communicating with Richard for Sheba.
(b) Sheba needs Barbara to pay her legal bills.
(c) Barbara feels that Sheba is unable to care for herself.
(d) Barbara has been helping Sheba write her manuscript.

14. Where does Barbara travel to during the summer?
(a) India.
(b) Austria.
(c) America.
(d) Spain.

15. What does the guidance counselor tell Richard and Sheba about Polly's behavior?
(a) She is hopeless and should be locked up.
(b) It is caused by a lack of self-esteem.
(c) It is caused by her anger at Ben.
(d) Polly is too intelligent for regular school.

Short Answer Questions

1. What response does Steven give when Sheba asks him about his past romantic encounters?

2. In Chapter 10, in what way does Barbara acknowledge her friendship with Sheba as being different than her past relationships?

3. Where do Barbara and Sheba go for Easter?

4. What does Pabblem tell Barbara to do at the end of Chapter 15?

5. Why is Sheba so upset in December?

(see the answer keys)

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