What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Sonya Sones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Sonya Sones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Robin's college art instructor tell him to do in order to get his drawing to look right?
(a) Move into better light.
(b) Forget about the fact that the model is beautiful.
(c) Lie about the details as he sketches.
(d) Practice at home before the next class.

2. What has the art teacher, Mr. Shultz, erased on the embarassing picture before Robin and Sophie get to class?
(a) The words underneath the drawing.
(b) The entire drawing.
(c) The offensive parts on the body.
(d) The girl's face.

3. Why does Robin think that Sophie will break up with him after they are back at school?
(a) Because she cheated on him.
(b) Because she plans to switch to a different school.
(c) Because she is popular and he is not.
(d) Because she is bored with him already.

4. What phrase do students use that is derogatory to Robin?
(a) "Don't be a loser like Murphy."
(b) "Don't be such a Robin."
(c) "Don't be such a Murphy."
(d) "You are such a Robin Murphy."

5. Why does Robin believe that Rachel and Grace did not write the mean things about Sophie?
(a) He knows that they were both home sick.
(b) The real people who did it admit it to Robin.
(c) He hears them say that they love Sophie.
(d) He hears them talking about it and wondering who did it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the model in Robin's first college art class?

2. What does Grace call Sophie in an attempt to offend her?

3. What artist painted the favorite piece that Sophie and Robin love?

4. What is Robin's art teacher's name?

5. Where are Sophie's parents when she invites Robin over to her house on a Tuesday afternoon?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Robin start to think about Sophie as he is drawing the naked model?

2. How does Robin react to the first model who takes her clothes off in his art class?

3. Why does Robin have such a strong reaction when he hears elementary kids using the phrase "Don't be such a Murphy?"

4. Why does Sophie say that she likes being an "outlaw?"

5. Why does Robin decide to grow a beard?

6. Explain why Robin sneaks past his parents when he gets home from school in order to avoid them.

7. Why do you think that Robin uses humor with Sophie to deflect the tension after he is hit by a snowball?

8. Why does Robin say that he has turned Sophie into more of an outcast than an outlaw?

9. Why does Robin believe that neither Rachel or Grace are behind the awful things that are written about Sophie in the girls' bathroom?

10. What does Robin draw when Mr. Schultz asks the class to draw what mood they are in?

(see the answer keys)

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