What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sonya Sones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sonya Sones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Grace call Sophie in an attempt to offend her?
(a) Mrs. Murphy.
(b) Robin's woman.
(c) Mrs. Robin.
(d) Robin's plaything.

2. Where do Sophie and Robin celebrate their five-week anniversary?
(a) At the art museum.
(b) At the beach.
(c) At a party at Rachel's house.
(d) At the football game.

3. How does Rachel's mother react to Sophie and Robin kissing in the kitchen?
(a) She yells at them.
(b) She tells them that she is so happy that they are dating.
(c) She keeps interrupting them.
(d) She leaves them alone to have some private time.

4. What does Robin quickly learn that he dislikes about his new appearance?
(a) He looks too much like Sophie's ex-boyfriend.
(b) It itches.
(c) It does not please Sophie after all.
(d) It makes him look stupid.

5. Who flings himself down on his knees, begging Sophie that the news about her and Robin is untrue?
(a) Ben Spencer.
(b) Emilio Brown.
(c) Jack Heager.
(d) Zak Benson.

6. Why is Robin at the place where he overhears them talking?
(a) He is waiting for his lab partner.
(b) He is looking for his lost sunglasses.
(c) He is researching a project he has to do on STDs.
(d) He is getting ready to work out.

7. What news does the art teacher tell Robin about furthering his art education?
(a) That Robin has been given a full-ride scholarship to Columbia.
(b) That Mr. Shultz's friend at Harvard wants Robin to sit in on the college-level classes.
(c) That Robin's artwork will hang on the campus of Yale.
(d) That Robin can graduate at the end of the semester and start college immediately.

8. What do Sophie and Robin do until it is time for Robin to go home?
(a) Watch TV.
(b) Eat pizza.
(c) Make out.
(d) Homework and doodle.

9. What object hits Robin when he is kissing Sophie after school?
(a) A tomato.
(b) A rock.
(c) A text book.
(d) A snowball.

10. Who does Robin correctly name as the artist who said, "I don't know anything about music. In my line of business, you don't have to." ?
(a) Bob Dylan.
(b) Sting.
(c) Bono.
(d) Elvis.

11. What does Robin daydream about doing after he hangs up with Sophie?
(a) Kissing her in front of her friends.
(b) Taking her shirt off.
(c) Running away to Mexico with her.
(d) Marrying her.

12. What is Sophie doing when Robin calls her?
(a) Listening to rock music.
(b) Eating dinner.
(c) Taking a bath.
(d) Doing art class homework.

13. What is Robin's image before dating Sophie?
(a) He is known as a bully.
(b) He is one of the most popular kids in school.
(c) He is considered a "dork."
(d) No one really knows who he is.

14. Where do Sophie and Robin meet after school on the day the other students find out that they are dating?
(a) The football field.
(b) The art room.
(c) The gymnasium.
(d) The cafeteria.

15. What does Robin compare his relationship to Sophie to?
(a) Romeo and Juliet.
(b) Beauty and the Beast.
(c) Cinderella and Prince Charming.
(d) Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What phrase do students use that is derogatory to Robin?

2. What musical group does Robin say his father played for him when he was still in the womb?

3. Who does Robin say that Sophie looks like as she is playing the arcade game?

4. What song is Robin's parents listening to when he gets home from school?

5. What advice does the college art instructor give the class about sketching a person?

(see the answer keys)

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