What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Al first intrigued by Sammy?
(a) Sammy is strongly motivated.
(b) Al Manheim feels like he wants to scream when he meets Sammy.
(c) Al thinks Sammy might be his son.
(d) Sammy makes him laugh.

2. What does Julian ask of Al in Chapter Five?
(a) To write an article about what a fraud Sammy is.
(b) To talk to Sammy.
(c) To leak the information to the press.
(d) To kill Sammy.

3. Why do Julian and his wife want to go to Hollywood?
(a) So that they can kill Sammy.
(b) In order to hire a detective.
(c) To confront Sammy.
(d) To take Sammy to court.

4. What is Sammy's advice to Al regarding work in Chapter Three?
(a) He says nothing will get better and Al should just move back to New York.
(b) He tells him to cheat his way to the top.
(c) He tells him he is safe with a six month contract and doesn't have to start impressing anyone until the fifth month.
(d) That things will pick up in a year.

5. In Chapter Six, once Julian and Sammy get together in Hollywood, why do they get into an argument?
(a) Sammy accuses Julian of trying to steal his glory.
(b) Sammy tricks Julian into writing another manuscript for him.
(c) Julian threatens to call the police on Sammy.
(d) They are both in love with the same woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sammy respond when Al tells him he will try to get him a job as a cub reporter?

2. When they are talking at lunch, what does Julian confess to Al that Sammy has stolen?

3. In Chapter Six, how does Kit threaten Sammy?

4. How does Sammy make Al feel when they first meet?

5. What does Al think about when he and Sammy go to play a match game at Bleecks?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what happens when Al goes to Sammy's mother's house. Be sure to include the details of the conversation between Al and Israel.

2. After Sammy talks to the agent about Julian's manuscript, in Chapter Two, Al asks Sammy if he is scared. Then Al asks him what he was thinking of. How does Sammy answer?

3. Why does Julian ask Al to meet him for lunch in Chapter Six?

4. What is Billie's explanation when Al asks her if she would ever be with Sammy?

5. What happens when Sammy asks Al to introduce him to Mr. Opdyke at Sammy's birthday dinner?

6. Describe Al Manheim's first impression of Sammy Glick.

7. Why does Al get upset with Sammy about the tickets he gives to him in Chapter One?

8. Why doesn't Al want to join The Guild?

9. What happens when the producer, Collier, brings up the South Seas picture, "Monsoon" to Sammy in Chapter Four?

10. Why does Kit go out the back door when she goes to a picture show?

(see the answer keys)

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