What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Final Test - Easy

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What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Al feel about The Guild?
(a) The Guild makes him feel whole.
(b) He thinks it's too much like a union.
(c) He would be unable to live without it.
(d) It hasn't discovered its place in Hollywood.

2. What happens when Al meets up with Billie in Chapter Seven?
(a) He confesses he is thinking of suicide.
(b) He drunkenly proclaims his love for her.
(c) He asks her if she loves Julian.
(d) He tells her how he feels about Kit.

3. What kind of tensions does The Guild experience in Chapter Seven?
(a) The writers are too busy to care about The Guild.
(b) Some of the members believe it is too much like a union.
(c) Sammy wants to shut them down.
(d) There is a lack of creativity among group members.

4. In Chapter Eight, when they are at lunch, what news does Julian give to Al and Sammy?
(a) He is very ill.
(b) He has decided to quit and return to New York City.
(c) He has left his wife for Billie.
(d) He and his wife have bought a cottage and they are having a baby.

5. In Chapter Twelve, what does Sammy reveal to Al about Laurette?
(a) She cheated on him on their wedding night and planned to cheat on him throughout their marriage.
(b) She faked her love for him so she could get famous.
(c) She was once a peasant just like him.
(d) She was verbally abusive and stole his money.

6. Why does Kit think Hollywood is a tough place to work and live?
(a) People are too easy to see through in Hollywood.
(b) Everyone is rushing to hit the jackpot.
(c) Nothing can be predicted.
(d) Hollywood has turned into a violent city.

7. What do Al and Kit talk about when they walk to the beach?
(a) Selling out to write for a bigger corporation.
(b) Running away together.
(c) Sammy's success.
(d) The state of The Writer's Guild.

8. What happens after The Guild meeting in Chapter Eight?
(a) A large number of people resign, including Sammy Glick.
(b) Al has a nervous breakdown.
(c) A corporate company proposes a partnership with The Guild.
(d) Julian runs for president of The Guild.

9. How is Sammy tricked by Laurette when she says she was looking at pictures all day in Chapter Eleven?
(a) She reels him in so that she can hurt him later.
(b) She is lying to get him to fall in love with her.
(c) He thinks she is talking about the movies.
(d) He believes she is trying to flatter him.

10. How does Sammy react to Al having gone to see his mother?
(a) He cannot understand why Al would do such a thing.
(b) He tells Al he is a sweet guy to go through the trouble.
(c) He is creeped out by Al's actions.
(d) He doesn't bring the subject up with Al.

11. Where does Al work when he returns to New York?
(a) He works at a shoe store.
(b) His old job at The Record.
(c) He writes Broadway shows.
(d) He becomes a novelist.

12. What does Kit propose at The Guild meeting in Chapter Eight?
(a) An expansion for The Guild.
(b) The Guild shut down for the time being.
(c) An official debate with The Author's League.
(d) The Guild agree to affiliation with the Author's League.

13. Who greets Al when Al goes to Sammy's apartment in New York in Chapter Ten?
(a) Sheik Duncan, Sammy's childhood arch bully.
(b) Sammy himself.
(c) Kit.
(d) Israel Glickstein, Sammy's brother.

14. Why doesn't Sammy want Al to leave when Al says he better duck out in Chapter Ten?
(a) He needs to approach him about Al's bad past.
(b) Sammy is having a mental breakdown.
(c) Sammy cannot stand to be alone.
(d) He has an offer to make Al.

15. What rumor follows Sidney Fineman's death?
(a) Sammy posioned him.
(b) He hated his life.
(c) He committed suicide.
(d) He stole Sammy's idea for his last movie.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why didn't Sammy have his Bar-mitzvah?

2. By Chapter Eleven, how does Sammy feel about Sidney Fineman?

3. Who does The Guild seek help from?

4. When Al goes to meet him, what is Sammy being measured for in Chapter Ten?

5. In Chapter Ten, why does Al think Sammy asks him to help with his picture?

(see the answer keys)

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