What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Sammy act during the premier in Chapter Five?
(a) As if he needs constant reassurance and support.
(b) Uncomfortable because he is afraid of being caught in his lies.
(c) He can't wait for the premier to be over because he never wanted the fame in the first place.
(d) Nervous, but happy to be in the light.

2. What does Rosalie ask of Al in Chapter Three?
(a) To lend her money so she can take the train to see Sammy.
(b) To find out why Sammy has stopped writing.
(c) To forgive her for how she treated him in the past.
(d) To take her with him to Hollywood.

3. Why is Al having a hard time at work in Chapter Four?
(a) His boss barely ever assigns him work.
(b) He doesn't have passion.
(c) He doesn't trust anyone.
(d) His producer throws his first script away and assigns him a partner.

4. In Chapter Two, Al asks Sammy if he is scared when he makes the phone call to sell the manuscript. How does Sammy respond?
(a) Sammy closes his eyes and tells Al he poses a good question.
(b) Sammy changes the subject.
(c) Sammy tells Al he got scared as soon as he hung up.
(d) Sammy explains to Al that he is never scared of anything.

5. After they are intimate, what question does Al ask Billie?
(a) Where she sees herself in the next ten years.
(b) What she wants out of life.
(c) How many men she has been with.
(d) If she would ever consider marrying him.

6. How does Al feel about what Sammy has done to Rosalie?
(a) Al is tempted to punch Sammy in the face.
(b) Al wants to stay out of the picture.
(c) He thinks Rosalie got what she deserved.
(d) He wants Rosalie to get justice for Sammy's wrong-doings.

7. What does Julian ask of Al in Chapter Five?
(a) To talk to Sammy.
(b) To write an article about what a fraud Sammy is.
(c) To leak the information to the press.
(d) To kill Sammy.

8. In Chapter One, after Al says the world is a race to Sammy, what does he say Sammy is running against?
(a) The wind.
(b) Time.
(c) The newspaper.
(d) A criminal life.

9. What does Julian's wife make him do when he doesn't hear from Sammy about work in Hollywood?
(a) Get a lawyer.
(b) Call Sammy and ask him to give an explanation.
(c) Hire someone to break Sammy's legs until he confesses his wrong doings.
(d) Write a letter to Sammy.

10. How does Al feel about sharing a cubicle with Sammy?
(a) He is frightened of his power.
(b) He tries to avoid him.
(c) He is enthused to work in close proximity with him.
(d) He needs space.

11. Why does Al think of himself as an idealist?
(a) He is optimistic about everything in life.
(b) He questions everything.
(c) Because he believes in the golden rule and love.
(d) He doesn't know any other way.

12. Who is the main character?
(a) O'Brien.
(b) Al Manheim.
(c) Henry.
(d) Sammy Glick.

13. What explanation does Sammy give for not approaching Al about the mistakes in his article?
(a) He was afraid Al would yell at him.
(b) He says he thought Al should have known better.
(c) He says there wasn't enough time.
(d) He doesn't give an explanation.

14. What does Al suggest to Sammy regarding Rosalie?
(a) He tells him to send for her and see what she can do.
(b) That Sammy should move back to New York and settle down with her.
(c) To forget about her completely.
(d) That he send her money until she gets back on her feet.

15. How does Sammy respond when Al confides in him about his problems at work in Chapter Four?
(a) He gives him advice about writing his own treatment.
(b) He tells him he will never get ahead and he should move back to New York.
(c) He advices him to kill his new writing partner.
(d) He tells him to go home and get a good rest.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Al give to Rosalie after dinner in Chapter Three?

2. How does Sammy know Catherine Sargent?

3. What happens when Al calls Julian regarding Julian's job with Sammy in Chapter Six?

4. What do Julian and Rosalie have in common?

5. What surprises Al about Hollywood?

(see the answer keys)

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