What Jamie Saw Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What Jamie Saw Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jamie's mother do instead of leaving him by the side of the road?
(a) Takes him back to the restaurant.
(b) Tells him a cautionary tale.
(c) Takes him to his father's.
(d) Buys him candy.

2. What does Earl tell Jamie at the end of their skating session?
(a) You'll get better.
(b) You area natural.
(c) A future a champion.
(d) You did great.

3. How does Patty calm Jamie down?
(a) She tickles him.
(b) She hugs him hard.
(c) She asks him to read from a book.
(d) She asks him to perform one of his magic tricks.

4. What does Patty say they will be doing for the rest of their lives if they don't get over Van?
(a) Vomiting in the bathroom.
(b) Hiding in the bureau.
(c) Drinking in the closet.
(d) Living in the trailer.

5. Which of the following people sees Jamie and his mother duck behind the snowcone stand?
(a) Miss. Benson.
(b) Mr. Dennis.
(c) Mrs. Desrochers.
(d) Mrs. Jackson.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who visits the trailer on Monday?

2. Why does Van leave the trailer?

3. What does Jamie compare learning to skate to?

4. What are clinging to Earl's beard and mustache?

5. What did a waiter once show Jamie how to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Patty react to Jamie breaking the car handle?

2. In what is it a good thing that Patty and Jamie confronted each other in chapter six?

3. How does Patty act on the drive home?

4. What problems does Patty have at the beginning of Chapter 9?

5. Describe the argument between Patty and Jamie in this section?

6. How does Jamie hide himself and Nin from Van?

7. Why is Mrs. Desrochers so concerned about Jamie?

8. Why does Jamie step into the hallway in this chapter?

9. How does Earl teach Jamie how to ice skate?

10. How does Jamie's success at the carnival effect his mood?

(see the answer keys)

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