What It Is Like to Go to War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Karl Marlantes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What It Is Like to Go to War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Karl Marlantes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who said, "I am by nature warlike"?
(a) Nietzsche.
(b) Eberhard.
(c) Avenarius.
(d) Goethe.

2. After Marlantes had been in Vietnam about a year and was assigned to be an air observer, how many feet off the ground did the observation plane fly?
(a) Only a couple hundred.
(b) About a thousand.
(c) 350.
(d) 500.

3. Where did Marlantes fight an NVA soldier in Chapter Six?
(a) Inside a hospital.
(b) Near a river.
(c) Inside a bunker.
(d) In a bramble patch.

4. Where did Marlantes' great-grandmother live?
(a) Finland.
(b) Denmark.
(c) Sweden.
(d) Holland.

5. From what country did the "Mahabharata" come from?
(a) Japan.
(b) China.
(c) India.
(d) Pakistan.

6. What was Marlantes religious affiliation growing up?
(a) Lutheran.
(b) Presbyterian.
(c) Baptist.
(d) Methodist.

7. When was the Viking poem written that Marlantes quoted in Chapter Four?
(a) 7th century.
(b) 8th century.
(c) 5th century.
(d) 10th century.

8. What was Joseph Campbell's ethnic background?
(a) British.
(b) German.
(c) Irish.
(d) French.

9. How long had the Third Marine Division and the North Vietnamese Army struggled?
(a) 1 year.
(b) 9 months.
(c) 2 years.
(d) 6 months.

10. What was the name of Marlantes' German shepherd?
(a) Sancho.
(b) Snowy.
(c) Katie.
(d) Bruno.

11. Who urged Marlantes to attend an encounter, group-therapy weekend.
(a) His pastor.
(b) His father.
(c) His wife.
(d) His employer.

12. In Chapter Four, how did Marlantes get to the bridge that his platoon was holding?
(a) Hummer.
(b) Jeep.
(c) Helicopter.
(d) Tank.

13. How old was Marlantes' son when he found him curled up with a mutilated picture of the two of them?
(a) 8.
(b) 10.
(c) 5.
(d) 12.

14. Who was Marlantes philosophy tutor at Oxford?
(a) Andrew Davies.
(b) William Brighton.
(c) John Mackie.
(d) Charlie Williams.

15. What group of people ended up fighting for a government that was murdering millions in concentration camps?
(a) Russians.
(b) Serbs.
(c) Japanese.
(d) Germans.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Carl Jung call "the gook inside"?

2. Where had Marlantes traveled when he came home to find his son curled up with a photo of the two of them?

3. Later in Marlantes' military tour, after he'd been wounded twice, how many men were Marlantes' and his pilot supposed to rescue?

4. What was the longest that Marlantes' grandmother lived with his mother?

5. When did the U.S. first bomb Libya?

(see the answer keys)

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