What Dreams May Come: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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What Dreams May Come: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What complicates Chris' passing?
(a) Wendy's letter.
(b) Perry's seance.
(c) Ian's perception of his father.
(d) Ann's anger.

2. Who does Richard bring to the cemetery?
(a) Ian.
(b) His minister.
(c) Ginger.
(d) Perry.

3. Why does Chris decide to stay in Hell?
(a) To be with Ann.
(b) It's nice and warm.
(c) To help those in hell to ascend higher.
(d) To have an easier time contacting those still alive.

4. To what is Ann resistant?
(a) Perry's words.
(b) The minister's words.
(c) The idea of hell.
(d) The idea that the cat can see Chris.

5. Why does Ann want Richard to stop trying to console her?
(a) She does not believe Chris is alive in spirit.
(b) She wants to have time to find Chris alone.
(c) She thinks he is coming on to her.
(d) It only makes her feel worse.

6. What can Chris learn from the place Leona is taking him?
(a) What he can be striving for.
(b) Peace.
(c) When Ann is due to die.
(d) What he wants to avoid.

7. What does Chris realize?
(a) He has to tell Ann he loves her.
(b) He is at his funeral.
(c) He is not dead, just in a coma.
(d) If he wakes up, he will be in terrible pain.

8. How does Richard feel about what Perry says about Chris?
(a) He thinks Chris is alive but not there.
(b) He thinks Chris is dead and does not exist any longer.
(c) He believes him.
(d) He thinks Perry is making it up.

9. What does Chris think when he sits up in the bed?
(a) He wonders where Ann is.
(b) He is late for work.
(c) He has been dreaming.
(d) He needs to walk the dog.

10. Where does Chris go from the hospital?
(a) Home.
(b) Work.
(c) Summerland.
(d) The lower realms.

11. What puts an even greater distance between Chris and his wife?
(a) His decision to reincarnate.
(b) His decision to move upwards from Summerland.
(c) His decision to go to Europe.
(d) Her suicide.

12. What does Ann have that Chris also has?
(a) A guide.
(b) A judgment day.
(c) Erroneous beliefs.
(d) The potential to move into higher realms.

13. What does the man in the hall who feels solid tell Chris?
(a) That Chris is dead.
(b) That Chris is going to recover.
(c) That Chris must come with him.
(d) That Chris can choose to stay in life or go.

14. Where does Chris awaken?
(a) In his front yard.
(b) Back in his own bed.
(c) In the lower realms.
(d) In a beautiful place.

15. What takes on a form that must be faced?
(a) Grief.
(b) Actions.
(c) Loss.
(d) Thoughts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sense about one's life does everyone feel?

2. What does Chris do at the end of Chapter 2?

3. How does Albert answer Chris' questions?

4. What does Chris admire about Albert's home?

5. How does Robert feel about the manuscript?

(see the answer keys)

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