What Do YOU Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What Do YOU Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who served as vice-chairman on the investigation committee to the Challenger accident?
(a) Neil Armstrong.
(b) Sally Ride.
(c) Richard, himself.
(d) William Rogers.

2. What was the probability of failure figure that NASA told Mr. Ullian?
(a) 1 in 1,000.
(b) 1 in 100.
(c) 1 in 10,000.
(d) 1 in 100,000.

3. Whose group was present when Richard showed up at the Johnson Space Center in Houston?
(a) Mr. Acheson's group.
(b) Mr. Sutter.
(c) General Kutyna's group.
(d) Dr. Ride's group.

4. How much of a warning does the Houston center of communication need to tie in the shuttle with a specific place?
(a) Three minutes.
(b) Three hours.
(c) Three days.
(d) Three months.

5. In the simulator that Richard was observing, what were the trays that were in the back of the crew area full of?
(a) Space suits.
(b) Controls.
(c) Cables.
(d) Food.

6. Who was the head of the investigation commission of the Challenger accident?
(a) William Graham.
(b) William P. Rogers.
(c) Dick Davies.
(d) Al Hibbs.

7. Where did General Kutyna invite Richard to come on a Wednesday when the commission had nothing to do?
(a) The CIA.
(b) The Pentagon.
(c) The White House.
(d) The Capitol building.

8. What temperature did the Thiokol engineers tell NASA the shuttle shouldn't fly below?
(a) 29 degrees.
(b) 35 degrees.
(c) 53 degrees.
(d) 92 degrees.

9. When Richard went to NASA to learn about the shuttle, the first briefer told him about the whole shuttle except for what part?
(a) The propellant.
(b) The boosters.
(c) The motor.
(d) The seals.

10. When Richard and the other members of the investigation commission get to Florida they were originally going to go around Kennedy Space Center, but what happened first?
(a) They called the president of the United States.
(b) They had a news conference with reporters.
(c) They had a public meeting.
(d) They went to the hotel where everyone was staying.

11. As range safety officer at Kennedy Space Center, what did Mr. Ullian have to decide?
(a) How many people were to go on the shuttle.
(b) Whether to let visitors in to see the launch of the shuttle or not.
(c) Whether to launch the shuttle or not.
(d) Whether to put destruct charges on the shuttle or not.

12. In Check Six, Richard states that "tomorrow at 6:15" they were going to be briefed and go by special airplane to where?
(a) Kennedy Space Center.
(b) Texas.
(c) New York City.
(d) Thiokol.

13. The temperature was measured in the air, the rocket, the ground, the ice, and even a puddle of slush with what in it?
(a) Oil.
(b) Salt.
(c) Antifreeze.
(d) Rocks.

14. How long were the puffs of smoke that were pictured coming out of the shuttle while it was still on the launch pad?
(a) Six feet long.
(b) Five feet long.
(c) Four feet long.
(d) One foot long.

15. What is the name of Richard's sister's son that he mentions in Check Six?
(a) Hardy.
(b) Wayne.
(c) Jeffery.
(d) Chuck.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of the rule that General Kutyna informs Richard about?

2. When Richard went to a local hardware store, what does he buy besides some pliers and a small C-clamp?

3. Instead of the NASA building being on 8th Street as had been written, what street was it actually located on?

4. Whose group did Richard spend most his time in?

5. Who was the intermediary between Rogers, Keel, and Richard?

(see the answer keys)

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