The Westing Game Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Westing Game Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Turtle so happy that Angela was prompted to ask her why?
(a) The stock market jumped 25 points.
(b) She discovered the mystery heir.
(c) She found out Sandy was alive.
(d) She discovered who Sam Westing really was.

2. Why did Theo think Otis is the murderer?
(a) He saw Otis leaving the scene of one of the bombings.
(b) When he pus his clues together, the leftover letters spelled Otis.
(c) He knew Otis had a grudge against Mr. Westing.
(d) Otis acted very suspicious when Mrs. Wexler asked him a simple question and Theo overheard them.

3. What noble thing did Angela do at her shower?
(a) Shared her presents with Turtle.
(b) Fixed Turtle's hair in a new style that made her look more attractive.
(c) Gave Turtle her clues since she was about to be married and too busy to pursue the mystery.
(d) Saved Turtle from being harmed by the bomb.

4. What did Chris get so excited about that he startled the Judge?
(a) The answer to the clues.
(b) Canada geese.
(c) Turtle planting another bomb.
(d) Someone going into Westing house.

5. Who got married in Hoo's Restaurant?
(a) Angela and Theo.
(b) Crow and Otis Amber.
(c) Turtle and Chris.
(d) Angela and Denton Deere.

Short Answer Questions

1. Five years after the heirs gave up the search, why was Mr. Hoo almost happy?

2. Why did George Theodorakis falter while telling the story of Violet Westing?

3. What did Turtle do once Sandy had died to try and discover the mystery heir?

4. Why did Grace Wexler say, "Who's that?" when Turtle greeted her in Chapter 23?

5. What indication was there that the heirs were jittery?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is meant by the expression, "to go on the wagon"?

2. What realization did Judge Ford suddenly make that convinced her that Westing was still alive?

3. Why did the Judge Ford warn Sandy that they needed to keep their wits about them in Chapter 24?

4. What did Turtle do that made her the winner of the two million dollars?

5. What happened to convince Judge Ford that Sandy was indeed Mr. Westing?

6. After reexamining their clues, who did Grace and Mr. Hoo think was involved in the mystery?

7. What did Mr. Hoo do that convinced Crow he couldn't be the bomber?

8. What happened that meant Mrs. Hoo no longer had to wear dresses with splits, or cook any longer?

9. What was the surprise that, when found out, had Turtle calling everyone a liar?

10. Why did George Theodorakis falter while telling the story of Violet Westing?

(see the answer keys)

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