The Westing Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Westing Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Turtle tell about her knowledge of who Sam Westing was?
(a) No one at all.
(b) Only her husband, Theo.
(c) Only her sister, Angela and her husband, Theo.
(d) All the heirs.

2. Who was the only heir the Judge did not investigate?
(a) Sandy.
(b) Crow.
(c) Chris.
(d) Turtle.

3. Five years after the heirs gave up the search, why was Mr. Hoo almost happy?
(a) His paper insoles were selling well.
(b) Grace had signed her part of the check over to him.
(c) He was taking Mrs. Hoo to China.
(d) He and Grace knew the answer to the mystery.

4. What did the members of the Good Salvation Soup Kitchen do in honor of the wedding?
(a) Sobered up.
(b) Dressed up in new clothes from a consignment shop.
(c) Pooled money and bought and expensive wine.
(d) Cooked the food for the reception.

5. Why was Theo in the hospital?
(a) He was hurt when setting one of the bombs.
(b) He was hurt when someone hit him in the elevator.
(c) He was hurt in a chemistry experiment explosion.
(d) He had a bicycle accident.

6. At the end of the story, what had happened to Judge Ford?
(a) She became a judge on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
(b) She gave up law when she couldn't solve the Westing mystery.
(c) She adopted Chris Theodorakis so she could keep tabs on his education.
(d) She decided to teach chess and share Westing's unique winning method.

7. Who was Turtle's least favorite of all the heirs?
(a) Dr. Denton Deere.
(b) Judge Ford.
(c) James Shin Hoo.
(d) Sandy.

8. What happened to the Westing Paper Products stock in Chapter 20?
(a) It bottomed out.
(b) It went down just a little below what Turtle had paid for it.
(c) It was not traded at all for some reason.
(d) It was the highest ever.

9. What finally happened about Chris's medical problems?
(a) He never really was able to overcome his speech impediment.
(b) He got out of the wheelchair and was able to speak clearly.
(c) The medicine only worked temporarily and then he went back to his old condition.
(d) A new medicine cured his shakiness and his speech, but he remained in a wheelchair.

10. According to the judge, what was Westing's first mistake?
(a) He invited Mrs. Wexler, thinking she was a relative.
(b) He invited Sydelle Pulaski instead of Sybill Pulaski.
(c) He included Dr. Wexler who was a bookie.
(d) He should not have included the Hoo's.

11. What did Turtle do once Sandy had died to try and discover the mystery heir?
(a) She bribed Sydelle to share her notes on the Will.
(b) She stole clues from others.
(c) She used the money she had earned to buy clues for others.
(d) She played the lawyer in Judge Ford's court at Westing house.

12. What did the heirs receive in their envelopes at the second reading of the Will?
(a) A second check for $10,000.
(b) Two additional clues.
(c) Directions for finding more clues.
(d) New partner assignments.

13. What noble thing did Angela do at her shower?
(a) Saved Turtle from being harmed by the bomb.
(b) Shared her presents with Turtle.
(c) Fixed Turtle's hair in a new style that made her look more attractive.
(d) Gave Turtle her clues since she was about to be married and too busy to pursue the mystery.

14. Why did Turtle set off fireworks in the hall?
(a) To protect Angela, the real bomber, by appearing to be the bomber.
(b) To cause a disturbance while she stole clues from the others.
(c) To scare the others into sharing clues.
(d) She loved playing with fireworks and accidently set them off.

15. Why did George Theodorakis falter while telling the story of Violet Westing?
(a) He had been in love with her.
(b) He didn't want to cast any shame on her after her death.
(c) He was responsible for her death.
(d) He didn't really know all the details of the story.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Theo find out he had been playing chess with?

2. Who did Sandy think Mr. Westing was?

3. What did Judge Ford do at the second meeting that shocked everyone?

4. What did Mr. Hoo promise his business partner in Chapter 27?

5. How did Mrs. Sydelle find out who the bomber was?

(see the answer keys)

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