The Westing Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Westing Game Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Mrs. Wexler fix Turtle's hair and tell her she was so pretty in pink?
(a) She wanted to coax her to share her clues.
(b) She loved Turtle best of her two daughters.
(c) Her husband told her to start being nicer to Turtle.
(d) She wanted to make up for ignoring Turtle for years.

2. Why was Angela upset and crying at the party?
(a) She was tired of her mother running everything for her.
(b) Someone said something nasty to her.
(c) She had lost her clues.
(d) He fiance had broke up with her.

3. There was a lot of speculation by the group outside Westing House about how Westing died. Which of the following was NOT a part of that speculation?
(a) He got stung by a bee.
(b) Turtle stumbled and fell on his head.
(c) He committed suicide.
(d) He was poisoned.

4. Which two residents of Sunset Towers did not go to the reading of the Will?
(a) Turtle and Chris.
(b) Dr. and Mrs. Wexler.
(c) Dr. Wexler and Madame Hoo.
(d) Turtle and Angela.

5. How did Judge Ford describe Mrs. Wexler?
(a) As a sophisticated lady.
(b) As a beautiful matron.
(c) As a social climber.
(d) As a controlling busybody.

6. What object was in the center of the library when the heirs gather there?
(a) A tall statue that was covered.
(b) An open casket.
(c) A table that held several items that would belong to the heirs.
(d) A library table with the Will on it.

7. What did Judge Ford decide to do to help solve the puzzle?
(a) Hired a private detective
(b) Stole clues for the others
(c) Got her partner to eavesdrop on the other heirs
(d) Found a copy of the whole Will

8. Why didn't Mrs. Hoo attend the first meeting for the reading of the Will?
(a) She was actually the murderer and didn't want to go.
(b) She didn't believe she was part of the Will.
(c) She had to open the restaurant while the others met.
(d) She wasn't told and didn't speak English so didn't hear about it.

9. What clever idea did Mrs. Wexler have for Hoo's restaurant?
(a) To advertise how her husband enjoyed the spareribs, which were Hoo's specialty.
(b) To name it Hoo's On First.
(c) To do a media blitz to promote it.
(d) To promote the ethnic quality of Hoo's.

10. From her newspaper research, which of the following did Judge Ford find had a connection to Mr. Westing?
(a) Mrs. Pulaski.
(b) Crow.
(c) Mr. Hoo.
(d) Turtle.

11. Why did Angela and Mrs. Pulaski dress alike to go to the party?
(a) They wanted to be like mother and daughter.
(b) They thought one of the clues was about twins and wanted to get someone to talk about twins.
(c) They didn't plan it, they just happened to wear the same thing.
(d) They wanted to confuse everyone about who was who.

12. What did Angela do when she disguised herself in Chapter 14?
(a) Planted the next bomb.
(b) Searched everyone's room for clues.
(c) Searched under all the car hoods.
(d) Followed the person she thought was the bomber.

13. Why didn't Dr. Wexler attend the first meeting for the reading of the Will?
(a) He was afraid he would be picked out as the murderer.
(b) He was supposed to be doing an operation but was actually gambling.
(c) He thought the meeting was stupid and wanted no part of it.
(d) He didn't hear about the meeting.

14. Where was the next bomb planned to be?
(a) In the elevator.
(b) In the Westing Mansion.
(c) In the Wexler apartment.
(d) In the Hoo's restaurant.

15. What unique idea did Otis Amber have about Westing's murder?
(a) That the clue was right before them and they couldn't recognize it.
(b) That he wasn't murdered at all.
(c) That the murderer teamed with another person who wasn't a part of their group.
(d) That the murderer was too clever to ever be caught.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Turtle get into Westing Mansion?

2. What was the state of mind of all the tenants of Sunset Towers upon moving in?

3. What discovery did Chris Theodorakis make while birdwatching?

4. What did each of the pairs of heirs come to decide about the clues given to them?

5. How did Mrs. Sydelle get hurt?

(see the answer keys)

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