Wench Test | Final Test - Medium

Dolen Perkins-Valdez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Wench Test | Final Test - Medium

Dolen Perkins-Valdez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what state does Sweet live with her master?
(a) South Carolina.
(b) Mississippi.
(c) Alabama.
(d) Georgia.

2. What does Mawu give to Lizzie before she leaves?
(a) A potion.
(b) A pamphlet.
(c) A map of safe houses.
(d) A scarf.

3. Who is the girl Philip has been seeing?
(a) Jane.
(b) Virginia.
(c) Tootie.
(d) Sallie.

4. What has Drayle forbidden Lizzie to do?
(a) Call him by his first name.
(b) Buy a new dress.
(c) Tend to Philip chained to a tree.
(d) Have an abortion.

5. What word does Mawu utter to Lizzie when she comes rushing toward Lizzie who is hanging out the laundry?
(a) Escape.
(b) Fire.
(c) Sweet.
(d) Hurry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following does Lizzie NOT wish for?

2. Drayle makes arrangements for the slaves to go to _______________ to do something nice for Sweet.

3. How many days does it take for Drayle, Fran and Lizzie to travel to the Tawawa resort?

4. Lizzie knows that she must have faith in whom?

5. Lizzie recalls Reenie's story about having the tip of her finger cut off because _____________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why has Mawu waited a year in the cabin in the woods after running away from her master?

2. How does Mawu show that she is intent on running away very soon?

3. How does the author address the topics of slave catchers and abolitionists?

4. Why is Drayle's decision to send Nate to school in Ohio a bittersweet one for Lizzie?

5. Why is Sweet's death so bittersweet for the women?

6. What reasons do the other slaveholders give to Drayle for why he should free Philip?

7. Why is Lizzie reminded of watching a dog die while lying in the sun after Philip is punished by Drayle?

8. What is the ultimate decision Lizzie makes regarding her pregnancy and her ultimate goal?

9. What is it about Mawu's personality that allows her to ask Lizzie if Drayle is "God to you"?

10. What spiritual connection does Mawu feel for Lizzie?

(see the answer keys)

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