Welcome to the Monkey House Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Welcome to the Monkey House Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What handicaps does Hazel wear?
(a) Physical and mental.
(b) Physical.
(c) Mental.
(d) None.

2. What does Catharine feel when she watches Newt sleeping?
(a) Hatred.
(b) Adoration.
(c) Nervousness.
(d) Fear.

3. What does Foster learn about his securities after their analysis?
(a) They are worth less than he thought.
(b) They are worth more than he thought.
(c) They are essentially worthless.
(d) They need to be reinvested.

4. How does Catharine feel when Newt tells her he loves her?
(a) She is ecstatic.
(b) She is disinterested.
(c) She is frustrated.
(d) She is afraid.

5. How is Barnstable described?
(a) As a place dedicated to the future.
(b) As a place that draws visitors.
(c) As a place open to change.
(d) As a place without tourist attractions.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Grace is in the hospital?

2. What impresses Vonnegut about the new version of the Random House dictionary?

3. What surprises the narrator and Anne about Grace's house?

4. What does Newt do because he loves Catharine?

5. At the end of "Welcome to the Monkey House," what poem does Billy want Nancy to read?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens after the opening of the play in "Who Am I This TIme?"

2. What happens after Harrison Bergeron escapes from jail?

3. What happens when Helene acts with Harry?

4. What happens during tests of the Euphio?

5. What decision does Susanna make at the end of "Miss Temptation?"

6. How does Vonnegut seem to contradict himself in "New Dictionary?"

7. Why does David look for a job at the Works in "Deer in the Works?"

8. Why does Paul call the radio station in "Next Door?"

9. How does Grace react to her home when she returns from the hospital in "More Stately Mansions?"

10. What does Em catch Lou doing in "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow?"

(see the answer keys)

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