Weetzie Bat Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Weetzie Bat Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Weetzie Bat think when she sees Charlie for a visit in Part IV?
(a) He looks sad.
(b) He seems happier than he ever has before.
(c) She thinks he would be better off if he had more work to do.
(d) He looks very healthy.

2. What movie does My Secret Agent Lover Man make in Part IV?
(a) Living Green.
(b) Sangri-L.A.
(c) Signatures.
(d) Tiki's Choice.

3. What kind of woman knocks on the door in Part IV?
(a) A medium.
(b) A Lanka.
(c) A speedster.
(d) A hipster.

4. Where do Weetzie Bat and the others like to go for sushi?
(a) Robu's.
(b) Rollo's.
(c) Finard's.
(d) Noshi.

5. What song do Weetzie Bat, Dirk and Duck play when they want to conceive a baby in Part III?
(a) Satisfaction.
(b) I Wanna Hold Your Hand.
(c) Sympathy for the Devil.
(d) My Way.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Weetzie Bat want more than anything in Part III?

2. Where does Weetzie Bat buy a lavish jacket in Part III?

3. What does the woman who knocks on Weetzie Bat's door say when Weetzie Bat closes the door in her face?

4. How does Weetzie Bat feel when she is pregnant?

5. What does My Secret Agent Lover Man give to Weetzie Bat as a gift in Part III?

Short Essay Questions

1. What problem does Weetzie Bat run into immediately in her quest for the thing she wants more than anything else in Part III?

2. How do Weetzie Bat, My Secret Agent Lover Man, and Dirk and Duck make a significant amount of money?

3. What does Weetzie Bat feel when My Secret Agent Lover Man kisses her for the first time?

4. What does Weetzie Bat realize she wants more than anything in Part III?

5. What does Vixanne Wigg claim is her relationship with My Secret Agent Lover Man?

6. How does Weetzie Bat feel about Witch Baby?

7. How do the people in Weetzie Bat's life react to the news of her pregnancy?

8. When Weetzie Bat and Cherokee go to New York to visit Charlie Bat, how does the visit go?

9. What does My Secret Agent Lover Man think of Cherokee?

10. What does My Secret Agent Lover Man bring Weetzie Bat as a consolation prize in Part III?

(see the answer keys)

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