Weetzie Bat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Weetzie Bat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who moves into the house with Dirk, Duck and Weetzie Bat in Part III?
(a) Jah-Love.
(b) Myrtle.
(c) Ping Chong.
(d) My Secret Agent Lover Man.

2. What does Vixanne Wigg ask My Secret Agent Lover Man for?
(a) Money for an abortion.
(b) Board games.
(c) Food.
(d) For him to leave Weetzie Bat.

3. What does Weetzie Bat think when she sees Charlie for a visit in Part IV?
(a) She thinks he would be better off if he had more work to do.
(b) He seems happier than he ever has before.
(c) He looks very healthy.
(d) He looks sad.

4. Who does Weetzie Bat decide to have a baby with?
(a) Henry.
(b) James.
(c) Dirk and Duck.
(d) Buzz.

5. What does My Secret Agent Lover Man bring to Weetzie Bat when he comes back to her after breaking up with her?
(a) Chocolates.
(b) Flowers.
(c) A kitten.
(d) Lipstick.

6. What does My Secret Agent Lover Man name the new pet for Weetzie Bat in Part III?
(a) Marzipan.
(b) Rollo.
(c) Go-Go Girl.
(d) Hettie.

7. What does the woman who knocks on Weetzie Bat's door say when Weetzie Bat closes the door in her face?
(a) Fine!
(b) I'll be back!
(c) Curses on both of you!
(d) Wench!

8. Who does the woman who knocks on Weetzie Bat's door in Part IV ask for?
(a) Max.
(b) Henry.
(c) Duck.
(d) Dirk.

9. What is troubling My Secret Agent Lover Man in Part III?
(a) The news is depressing him.
(b) He is feeling sick.
(c) He has lost a big movie contract.
(d) His dog just died.

10. What food do Dirk and Duck forbid Weetzie Bat from eating when she is pregnant?
(a) Pasta.
(b) Oki dogs.
(c) Macaroni and cheese.
(d) Fish.

11. What does Weetzie want to name Witch Baby at first?
(a) Lily.
(b) Henley.
(c) Rose.
(d) Narcissa.

12. What is My Secret Agent Lover Man's first film?
(a) Smarter.
(b) Framingham.
(c) Coyote.
(d) Lively Help.

13. What does Vixanne include in the baby's basket as a peace offering?
(a) Money.
(b) A teething ring.
(c) A Ken and Barbie doll.
(d) A picture of herself.

14. Whose eyes does Weetzie Bat say Cherokee has?
(a) Dirk's.
(b) Her's.
(c) Duck's.
(d) My Secret Agent Lover Man's.

15. What does My Secret Agent Lover Man give to Weetzie Bat as a gift in Part III?
(a) A puppy.
(b) A canary.
(c) A lizard.
(d) A cat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does My Secret Agent Lover Man say he stayed when he left Weetzie Bat?

2. Where do Weetzie Bat and the others like to go for sushi?

3. What does Weetzie Bat drink in the bath with My Secret Agent Lover Man in Part III?

4. What amusement park did Charlie Bat once take Weetzie Bat to in Los Angeles?

5. How does Block describe Weetzie Bat's and Dirk's house in Part IV?

(see the answer keys)

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