Weetzie Bat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Weetzie Bat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 70 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Weetzie work as a waitress?
(a) Morton's.
(b) The Rinse.
(c) Duke's.
(d) Harry's.

2. What does My Secret Agent Lover Man order in Weetzie Bat's cafe?
(a) Hot chocolate.
(b) Pancakes.
(c) A hamburger.
(d) Black coffee.

3. What is the only death up until Part II that Weetzie Bat had dealt with?
(a) Charlie Bat's dog Hildegard.
(b) Her best friend.
(c) Her brother.
(d) Her own grandmother.

4. Who is Weetzie Bat's father?
(a) Henry Bat.
(b) Frank Bat.
(c) Harold Bat.
(d) Charlie Bat.

5. Where does Weetzie Bat's father take her to eat in Part I?
(a) The Farce.
(b) The Forest.
(c) The Red Room.
(d) The Tick Tock Tea Room.

6. What is the first movie Weetzie Bat and Dirk go to see together?
(a) His Girl Friday.
(b) It's a Wonderful Life.
(c) Pillow Talk.
(d) The Girl Can't Help It.

7. Why do Weetzie Bat and Dirk tell Grandma Fifi they are sad?
(a) They have dropped out of school.
(b) They have no money.
(c) They do not have Ducks.
(d) Their concert has been canceled.

8. Where do Weetzie Bat and Dirk go for bagels?
(a) Fire.
(b) Henry's.
(c) Canter's.
(d) Magnolia.

9. What does Dirk's Duck look like?
(a) A large bodybuilder.
(b) Tall, dark and handsome.
(c) Just like Dirk.
(d) A small, blonde surfer.

10. What does Grandma Fifi use as an analogy for love in speaking with Dirk and Weetzie Bat?
(a) Her cats.
(b) Her lizards.
(c) Her canaries.
(d) Her lady bugs.

11. What is the first thing Weetzie Bat wishes for?
(a) Money.
(b) Invisibility.
(c) A beautiful rose garden.
(d) World Peace.

12. What does Dirk's perfect Duck call himself?
(a) Duck.
(b) Henry.
(c) James.
(d) Richard.

13. What does Grandma Fifi leave specially to just Weetzie Bat that she thinks are wonderful?
(a) Her canaries.
(b) Her garden.
(c) Her books.
(d) Her dresses.

14. What is Weetzie Bat's pet's name?
(a) Cod.
(b) Berry.
(c) Slinkster Dog.
(d) Happy Dog.

15. What does Dirk call his car?
(a) Jerry.
(b) Lincoln.
(c) Duck.
(d) Henry.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Dirk wear his hair?

2. How does the subway make Weetzie Bat feel?

3. What does Weetzie wonder about her third wish in Part II?

4. Who do Weetzie Bat and Dirk like to spend a lot of time with?

5. What did Charlie Bat say when Weetzie Bat was born?

(see the answer keys)

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