Weep Not, Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Weep Not, Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the verb in the sentence used by the teacher to demonstrate person in Chapter 5?
(a) Jump.
(b) Walk.
(c) Talk.
(d) Stand.

2. What does Mwihaki like to do with flowers, according to the narrator in Chapter 4?
(a) Weave them into necklaces and hair adornments.
(b) Pick them for her mother.
(c) Pick them for her sister.
(d) Pick them and throw them at Njoroge.

3. In what season does Njoroge's homeland become green and adorned with white flowers?
(a) Coffee season.
(b) Maize season.
(c) Sugarcane season.
(d) Njahi season.

4. The narrator states in Chapter 1 that "time and bad conditions do not favour" what (3)?
(a) "Society."
(b) "Beauty."
(c) "Youth."
(d) "People."

5. What language do the Kikuyu people speak?
(a) The Anyanya Bantu language.
(b) The Bantu Kikuyu language.
(c) The Abyei Kikuyu language.
(d) The Azania Kikuyu language.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are Njeri's three sons?

2. Njuka is the name that is given to whom, according to the narrator in Chapter 2?

3. What is Kamau apprenticeshipping to become in Chapter 1?

4. What word in Chapter 5 refers to an uncircumcised man?

5. What word from the novel refers to a woman's abode?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Karanja describe Mau Mau in Part 2: "Darkness Falls," Chapter 9?

2. What is K.A.U. and how is it described in the narrative?

3. Who is Isaka and how is he described in Part 1: "The Waning Light," Chapter 4?

4. What does the barber symbolize in the novel?

5. What is the political atmosphere of Njoroge's homeland in the opening of the novel?

6. How is the relationship between Ngotho and Mr. Howlands depicted in Part 1: "The Waning Light," Chapter 3?

7. How did his service in the war change Boro?

8. Who is Kiarie and what information does he relate in Part 1: "The Waning Light," Chapter 6?

9. Why does the strike cause conflict in Njoroge's home in Part 1: "The Waning Light," Chapter 6?

10. What are Njoroge's reasons for avoiding Mwihaki in the beginning of Part 1: "The Waning Light"?

(see the answer keys)

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