We Were the Mulvaneys Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

We Were the Mulvaneys Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the ringing of the cowbell signify to the Mulvaney family?
(a) Ringing the cowbell signals dinner.
(b) Ringing the cowbell signals an outing.
(c) Ringing the cowbell signals a phone call for someone who isn't in the house.
(d) Ringing the cowbell means the parents want to talk to the children.

2. Where does most of the story take place?
(a) Chautauqua Valley Farm, Chautauqua, New York.
(b) High Point Farm, Mt. Ephraim, New York.
(c) Five Point Road, Mt. Ephraim, New York.
(d) High Point Farm, Chautauqua, New York.

3. What is significant about the dress Marianne wears to the Valentine's Dance?
(a) The dress is an altered dress that had once been Corrine's.
(b) Her mother suprised her with the dress.
(c) Marianne sewed the dress herself.
(d) Marianne and her mother shopped for it together.

4. What does Patrick need Judd to do to help him follow through with his plan?
(a) Create an alibi for him.
(b) Get some guns from their gun cabinet.
(c) Get a pistol from the nightstand beside their father's bed.
(d) Get some fertilizer from the barn.

5. What happens when Judd asks his mother if Marianne is sick?
(a) All answers are correct.
(b) Corrine says Marianne just had the flu.
(c) Corrine says Marianne will be back at school soon.
(d) Corrine seemed in a hurry to get away before being asked more questions.

6. What is written about Marianne as a baby?
(a) Marianne was a lively child.
(b) Marianne was their miracle baby; very easy going.
(c) Marianne was a demanding baby.
(d) Marianne was the largest baby.

7. How is Michael Sr. greeted when he enters the Yankee Doodle Tap Room?
(a) A few men nod, but most people try to ignore him.
(b) His old friends say hello and even strangers nod.
(c) The bartender tells him that he isn't welcome there anymore.
(d) One person pats him on the back and asks how Corrine is.

8. What is Corrine's nickname?
(a) Chickadee.
(b) Whistle.
(c) Pinch.
(d) Curly.

9. What is "The Huntsman?"
(a) A picture Marianne painted for Patrick.
(b) A picture Patrick painted in high school.
(c) A woodcut picture Corrine purchased at auction that Patrick particularly liked.
(d) A picture Patrick bid on and won at an auction.

10. How does Corrine feel about telling Michael about their daughter's rape?
(a) She wishes he would never have to know.
(b) She decides not to tell him.
(c) She suspects he will blame her.
(d) She fears his anger at the bad news.

11. Who approaches Corrine at the post office?
(a) Michael.
(b) Lydia Bethune.
(c) Mrs. Weidman.
(d) Rev. Earkin.

12. How does the family refer to the word rape?
(a) As, "The night the world changed".
(b) They never spoke about it, ever.
(c) As, "You know what."
(d) As, "it".

13. The night Patrick is out with his friends, who does Patrick think he sees?
(a) Mick Jaggar.
(b) Judd.
(c) Zachary Lundt.
(d) Mike Jr.

14. What happens when Marianne drops her garment bag?
(a) She lets Patrick pick it up.
(b) She acts panicky, quickly refusing Patrick's help.
(c) She starts crying.
(d) She grabs it back from Patrick and tells him to let her do it.

15. Who starts calling Mike Jr. "Mule"?
(a) His football coach.
(b) His mother.
(c) A farmer.
(d) His soccer coach.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Corrine feel about the Mt. Ephraim Country Club?

2. What is the question that might have been raised about Marianne's phone call for a ride home the day after the Valentine's Dance?

3. What does Mike Jr. do after a fight with his father?

4. When Corrine and Judd visit Marianne what does the Co-Op Director, Abelove, say that upsets Corrine?

5. What metaphor does Patrick use to explain what's happened to their father?

(see the answer keys)

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