We the Animals Test | Final Test - Easy

Justin Torres
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We the Animals Test | Final Test - Easy

Justin Torres
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 18, THE NIGHT I AM MADE, what do the white trash boys have that the narrator's brothers do not?
(a) "[M]uscles, bulged like knots on a rope" (103).
(b) "[L]egacies, decades upon decades of poverty..."(104).
(c) "[P]unched-out teeth, bad bread, easy winks" (104).
(d) "[P]et snakes in glass aquariums" (104).

2. When the narrator says that he expects Manny to talk back to the headbanger, what can the reader infer about the narrator's opinion of Manny?
(a) The narrator is scared of Manny.
(b) Manny is the weakest of the brothers.
(c) The narrator thinks Manny is strong and brave.
(d) The narrator thinks Manny is arrogant and will be beaten up by the headbanger.

3. Who is sitting in the living room at the Grices' house when the boys arrive in Chapter 16, WASN'T NO ONE TO STOP THIS?
(a) Dorito, the Grices' dog.
(b) Mrs. Grices.
(c) Ben.
(d) Mr. Grices.

4. What contemplation does the narrator have about his journal after being brought to the psychiatric ward?
(a) If he is not really gay, but that he was merely making up stories.
(b) If one of his brothers will be able to relate to what he wrote.
(c) If he should have burnt the journal in the woods.
(d) If he wrote the journal purposely knowing and wanting others to read it.

5. Why does Paps think it is Manny's idea for the brothers escape and sleep away from home in Chapter 15, TRASH KITES?
(a) Because Manny is the oldest.
(b) Because Manny is always causing trouble.
(c) Because Manny has run away before.
(d) Because Manny is the youngest.

6. How does Manny describe white magic in Chapter 16, WASN'T NO ONE TO STOP THIS?
(a) As rabbits in hats and card tricks.
(b) As spells and potions.
(c) As ghosts in the night.
(d) As wild and powerful flowers from the woods.

7. What does Paps tell the narrator when he pulls him out of the hole in Chapter 14, TRENCH?
(a) "What'd you take your clothes off or something?" (80).
(b) "You come on out of that trench" (81).
(c) "Could be. Could be magic. We'll see" (80).
(d) "The war is over" (81).

8. How long has the narrator been going to the bus station in Chapter 18, THE NIGHT I WAS MADE?
(a) Every night for the past week.
(b) The narrator has never been to the bus station before.
(c) Months.
(d) Weeks.

9. What does the narrator notice in the back of the truck on the way to the park in Chapter 13, DUCKS?
(a) The brothers' toys are placed in bins.
(b) A man hiding underneath a blanket.
(c) Plastic bags filled with the brothers' clothes, papers, and pictures.
(d) Something wrapped up in an old rug.

10. What particular name does Paps use with the narrator before the narrator leaves for the psychiatric ward?
(a) The Lost One.
(b) My Beautiful Baby Boy.
(c) My Pretty One.
(d) Mijo.

11. On the highway, why does a woman offer to bring the brothers anywhere they need to go?
(a) Because she notices they are having a physical fight.
(b) Because she sees that Paps and Ma are drunk.
(c) Because they are sitting on the edge of a bridge on the highway alone.
(d) Because the brothers are alone outside the drugstore.

12. What about previous experiences in the novel may have led the author to title the last Chapter, ZOOKEEPING?
(a) Because of the treatment the narrator receives during his stay at the psychiatric ward.
(b) Because the narrator mentions his animal-like characteristics and beliefs throughout the story.
(c) Because the narrator becomes an animal by being around other psychiatric patients.
(d) Because the other patients at the psychiatric ward act like animals.

13. At the end of Chapter 15, TRASH KITES, what is Manny's idea to "save" the brothers?
(a) Build a big kite that will take them away.
(b) Find a way to reverse gravity.
(c) Get Ma, pile into the truck, and drive away.
(d) Run away.

14. Why is Paps going to Niagara Falls in Chapter 17: NIAGARA?
(a) To fly a package.
(b) Looking for a job.
(c) To drive a package.
(d) Paps wants to see the beautiful scenery of Niagara Falls.

15. How does the narrator's family react when he first arrives at home from the bus station in Chapter 18, THE NIGHT I WAS MADE?
(a) They spoke to him "in bold and explicit language" (116).
(b) They "imagined perversions" (116).
(c) They are "calm and assured" (116).
(d) They "looked...with such ferocity" (116).

Short Answer Questions

1. Hypothetically, what animal would the brothers feed the woman's brains to in Chapter 13, DUCKS?

2. When Manny says, "We should have killed that fucking woman," (73) what woman is he alluding to?

3. Who goes to the park at the start of Chapter 13, DUCKS?

4. In Chapter 18, THE NIGHT I WAS MADE, subsection: "MIDNIGHT," what do Manny and Joel say in connection to a negative view of the narrator?

5. What does Ma mean by, "But I need you to tell me what to do?" to the brothers at the park (72)?

(see the answer keys)

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