We Should All Be Feminists Test | Final Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

We Should All Be Feminists Test | Final Test - Easy

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author explains that many men in Nigeria have been "raised to expect so little of men that the idea of men as savage beings with no self-control is somehow" (31) what?
(a) A given.
(b) The norm.
(c) Acceptable.
(d) Normal.

2. The author points out that women can perform what action, while men cannot?
(a) Have babies.
(b) Menstruate.
(c) Experience multiple orgasms.
(d) Feed their children.

3. The author states that the most famous cooks in the world are given the "fancy title of" (33) what?
(a) Maitre d'.
(b) Sous chef.
(c) Chef.
(d) Preparateur.

4. The author states that "the harder a man feels compelled to be, the weaker his" (26) what is?
(a) Resolve.
(b) Will.
(c) Sense of justice.
(d) Ego.

5. The author states that society teaches girls to make themselves what?
(a) Submissive.
(b) Apathetic.
(c) Weaker.
(d) Smaller.

6. What word is used in Nigeria in order to describe a woman who likes and is good at domestic duties?
(a) Wifely.
(b) Domestic.
(c) Homely.
(d) Homey.

7. The author writes that "Gender as it functions today is a grave" (20) what?
(a) Travesty.
(b) Antiquity.
(c) Injustice.
(d) Relic.

8. What does the author state is true of a great many marriages?
(a) The woman does most of the housework.
(b) The woman arranges the couple's social life.
(c) The man makes more money.
(d) The woman does most of the child-rearing.

9. One of the participants in the author's writing workshop had been told by a friend not to do what?
(a) To share her personal feelings with the author.
(b) To tell her husband about her enrollment in the workshop.
(c) To talk to the author after the end of the workshop.
(d) To listen to the author's feminist ideas.

10. What was the position of the man who stopped the author at the door of her Nigerian hotel?
(a) A guard.
(b) A doorman.
(c) A bellhop.
(d) A valet.

11. The author's friend who had not challenged her boss told the author it was because she did not want to seem what?
(a) Aggressive.
(b) Bitchy.
(c) Unlikable.
(d) Mean.

12. When an acquaintance attacked the author's article, saying that it was too angry, the article had focused on the nature of being what two qualities while living in Lagos?
(a) Strong and female.
(b) Weak and oppressed.
(c) Young and female.
(d) Poor and unemployed.

13. The author suggests that society start to raise boys and girls who do not link what two elements together?
(a) Femininity and weakness.
(b) Masculinity and size.
(c) Masculinity and money.
(d) Masculinity and strength.

14. The author states that usually when a woman states that she has taken an action "for peace in [her] marriage" (31), it is because she has given up what?
(a) A job, a career goal, or a dream.
(b) Financial security.
(c) An inappropriate hobby.
(d) Emotional well-being.

15. The author entreats the reader to "imagine how much happier we would be, how much freer to be our true individual selves, if we didn't have the weight of" (33) what?
(a) Cultural expectations.
(b) Socialization.
(c) Gender expectations.
(d) Social norms.

Short Answer Questions

1. The author states that in what kind of way, men rule the world?

2. When the author describes a woman she knows who has the same degree and job as her husband, for the completion of what task does the woman always thank her husband?

3. The author states that she knows an unmarried woman who does what when she goes to conferences so that she will be given respect by her colleagues?

4. The author states that she has never thought it made much sense to leave what crucial task in the hands of others?

5. The author states that the commands that society tells girls, such as "Close your legs. Cover yourself" (31) are examples of teaching girls what?

(see the answer keys)

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