We Need New Names Test | Final Test - Medium

NoViolet Bulawayo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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We Need New Names Test | Final Test - Medium

NoViolet Bulawayo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money does Marina say the Lamborghini costs in the parking lot in “Hitting Crossroads"?
(a) Almost $100,000.
(b) Almost $3 million.
(c) Almost $2 million.
(d) Almost $200,000.

2. What is the name of the groom in "Wedding"?
(a) Mgcini.
(b) Zuze.
(c) Nosizi.
(d) Dumi.

3. Who is the woman who has called Aunt Fostalina to see to Tshaka Zulu in "Hitting Crossroads"?
(a) Charity.
(b) Claudine.
(c) Lena.
(d) Maria.

4. Who sends Darling a text message to say she has had sex with her boyfriend in "Writing on the Wall"?
(a) Sbho.
(b) Chipo.
(c) Kristal.
(d) Marina.

5. Whose diary did Darling find and read in the house where she cleans in "My America"?
(a) Kate's.
(b) Sarah's.
(c) Melissa's.
(d) Anna's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the owner of the house that Darling cleans for in "My America"?

2. Who has brought Darling fruit from home in "Angel"?

3. What does Darling describe Aunt Fostalina doing while watching TV in "Destroyedmichygen"?

4. In "For Real," the narrator says, "I used to be very afraid of graveyards and death and such things, but not anymore. There is just no sense being afraid when you live so near the graves; it would be like" what?

5. What did Tshaka Zulu sell for his passport and travel?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is illuminated through Darling's conversation with the white woman in the restroom in "Wedding"?

2. What do Darling and her friends do at J.C. Penney in "Hitting Crossroads"?

3. What happens in the exchange between Darling and Chipo in "Writing on the Wall"?

4. What does Aunt Fostalina try to order in "Angel"? Why does she become frustrated?

5. Where are Darling and her family going to attend a wedding in "Wedding"? How is this setting described?

6. What game do the children play after the funeral in "For Real"? How is the game described?

7. How does Darling describe her impressions of America in “Destroyedmichygen”?

8. How is the character of Marina described in the novel?

9. How would you compare the settings of Detroit and Kalamazoo in We Need New Names?

10. What does Aunt Fostalina obsess over throughout the novel? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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