We Need New Names Test | Final Test - Easy

NoViolet Bulawayo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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We Need New Names Test | Final Test - Easy

NoViolet Bulawayo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Darling and her friends go to try on clothing in “Hitting Crossroads"?
(a) Macy's.
(b) J.C. Penney.
(c) Sears.
(d) Bloomingdale's.

2. What is the name of the school that Darling is attending in "Wedding"?
(a) Washington Academy.
(b) Wright Academy.
(c) Smithson Academy.
(d) Central Academy.

3. What is the name of Godknows's sister in the photograph in "Destroyedmichygen"?
(a) MaS'banda.
(b) Mgcini.
(c) S'Bahle.
(d) MotherLove.

4. What does Darling describe Aunt Fostalina doing while watching TV in "Destroyedmichygen"?
(a) Eating pizza.
(b) Folding laundry.
(c) Drinking wine.
(d) Aerobics.

5. Of what celebrity does Darling say in “Hitting Crossroads," "I know that she can go anywhere in the world and get a baby wherever she wants"?
(a) Angelina Jolie.
(b) Kate Blanchette.
(c) Oprah Winfrey.
(d) Whitney Houston.

6. How much money does Marina say the Lamborghini costs in the parking lot in “Hitting Crossroads"?
(a) Almost $200,000.
(b) Almost $2 million.
(c) Almost $100,000.
(d) Almost $3 million.

7. What is the name of the groom in "Wedding"?
(a) Zuze.
(b) Mgcini.
(c) Dumi.
(d) Nosizi.

8. Who wins the race back to the car in “Hitting Crossroads"?
(a) TK.
(b) Marina.
(c) Kristal.
(d) Darling.

9. Who is the "fat black pig" from the passport office that several women slept with in order to leave Zimbabwe, according to the narrator in "How They Lived"?
(a) Bastard.
(b) Banyile Khoza.
(c) Sekuru Tendai.
(d) MaS'banda.

10. Whose funeral are Darling and her friends observing in "For Real"?
(a) Stina's.
(b) Bornfree's.
(c) MotherLove's.
(d) MaS'banda's.

11. Who plays MaDube in the game of pretend in "For Real"?
(a) Mgcini.
(b) Sbho.
(c) Godknows.
(d) Chipo.

12. Where are Darling and her friends going in “Hitting Crossroads"?
(a) To the White Horse Tavern.
(b) To a rock concert.
(c) To the Crossroads Mall.
(d) To Darling's mother's house.

13. What is the name of NaSandi's son?
(a) Zuze.
(b) Tsepang.
(c) Mgcini.
(d) Nosizi.

14. What is the name of the dog at the home where Darling cleans in "My America"?
(a) Pepper.
(b) Mittens.
(c) Titi.
(d) Fifi.

15. Which of her friends does Darling say taught her to wear makeup and has a weave in “This Film Contains Some Disturbing Images”?
(a) Kristal.
(b) Zuze.
(c) Marina.
(d) Chipo.

Short Answer Questions

1. Darling says in "Wedding" that school is so easy in America even what could pass?

2. Who is the cousin that Darling describes living with in "Destroyedmichygen"?

3. What color are the stripes of the flag on the coffin in "For Real"?

4. Who is driving the car in “Hitting Crossroads"?

5. Who does Tshaka Zulu attack with a spear in "My America"?

(see the answer keys)

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