We Need New Names Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

NoViolet Bulawayo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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We Need New Names Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

NoViolet Bulawayo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name is printed on the picture of the man with gray hair holding a cup and saucer in "Blak Power"?
(a) The Hon. Andrew Richards.
(b) The Hon. Vastine Stabler.
(c) The Hon. Ian Douglas Smith.
(d) The Hon. Willaim Anderson.

2. What does Darling describe Chipo's fortune cookie saying in "Country-Game"?
(a) "Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded."
(b) "A pair of new shoes will do you a world of good."
(c) "If I bring forth what is inside me, what I bring forth will save me."
(d) "Your future will be happy and productive."

3. What does Darling describe having done to the picture of Jesus on Mother Jones's calendar in "Darling on the Mountain"?
(a) She painted the eyes blue.
(b) She drew an X over the face.
(c) She painted the eyes brown.
(d) She drew a cross over the face.

4. The children place posters on every shack in the village except for whose in "Real Change"?
(a) Mother of Bones's.
(b) Chipo's.
(c) Nomoreproblems's.
(d) MotherLove's.

5. What country does Darling get to play in "Country-Game"?
(a) France.
(b) U.S.A.
(c) Congo.
(d) Dubai.

6. "How They Appeared" begins with the line, "They did not come to Paradise. Coming would mean that they were" what?
(a) "Alive."
(b) "Choosers."
(c) "Wanters."
(d) "Hopeful."

7. What is the name of the mountain that Darling climbs to attend church in "Darling on the Mountain"?
(a) Fambeki.
(b) Mzilikazi.
(c) Zuze.
(d) Nyangani.

8. What kind of car is the red car that enters the gate of the fancy estate in "Blak Power"?
(a) A HumVee.
(b) A Stealth Viper.
(c) A Lamborghini Reventon.
(d) A Rolls Royce Phantom.

9. What does Mother of Bones do every morning?
(a) She counts her money.
(b) She feeds her chickens.
(c) She cooks the porridge.
(d) She cleans the stove.

10. Who bursts into tears as the marchers come in and the children are harvesting guavas in "Blak Power"?
(a) Fraction.
(b) Chipo.
(c) Stina.
(d) Sbho.

11. What is the name of the cemetery at the edge of Paradise?
(a) Heavenway.
(b) Shadybrook.
(c) Mt. Zion.
(d) Rose Hill.

12. What is printed on the floor mat to the white people's house in "Blak Power"?
(a) "Wipe Your Paws."
(b) "The Robertsons."
(c) "Africa."
(d) "Welcome."

13. Who from the show "ER" does Sbho pretend to be in "We Need New Names"?
(a) Dr. Ross.
(b) Dr. Roz.
(c) Dr. Cutter.
(d) Dr. Bullet.

14. How many faded suns are on the bedspread that Darling counts in "Darling on the Mountain"?
(a) 9.
(b) 16.
(c) 10.
(d) 12.

15. What is the second reason that Darling gives for deciding to get rid of Chipo's stomach in "We Need New Names"?
(a) "If we let her have the baby, she will just die."
(b) "She is sick."
(c) "It makes it hard for us to play."
(d) "Her parents will kill her if they find out."

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to the urine in the cup in "We Need New Names"?

2. What does Darling claim the women of the village are always busy with in "Hitting Budapest"?

3. How old is Godknows in "Hitting Budapest"?

4. What is the name of NaBetina's grandson?

5. Where is Darling's father in "Darling on the Mountain"?

(see the answer keys)

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