We Know You Remember Short Essay - Answer Key

Tove Alsterdal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

We Know You Remember Short Essay - Answer Key

Tove Alsterdal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. What does Olof drive by as he drives to his father's house on page 2?

As Olof drives to his father's house, he drives past things he has forgotten or never thought much about. He sees the yellow house that always had guests in the summer and whose children were forbidden from cycling on the main road. There is the old schoolhouse that has been closed longer than he can remember. There are the fields where trotter horses huddled. He sees the white plastic bales of hay where he would climb and pretend to be king of the hill. At the turn-off to the house is a weeping birch.

2. What does Olof find in his father's house?

Olof hears a dog barking. When no one answers the door at his father's house, he finds the key where it has always been. He finds the dog locked up in the kitchen with a mess of feces and urine. He notices water coming from the bathroom. When he goes to the bathroom, he finds the water is running. His father is sitting in a bath chair and is deceased.

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