We Have Always Lived in the Castle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

We Have Always Lived in the Castle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Merricat decide to do on her most powerful day in Chapter 7?
(a) Walk to the village.
(b) Have a tea party with Jonas.
(c) Bury some charms.
(d) Get rid of Charles.

2. Why did Merricat choose to put the poison in the sugar?
(a) Because she knew her father would use the sugar.
(b) Because the poison was hidden in sugar.
(c) Because Constance never used sugar.
(d) Because it was the only food she has access to.

3. Who does Jim Clarke bring to the house in Chapter 9?
(a) Mrs. Wright.
(b) Mr. Carrington.
(c) Dr. Levy.
(d) Charles.

4. How does Merricat describe the life that slowly took shape for her and Constance?
(a) As happy.
(b) As miserable.
(c) As unpredictable.
(d) As scary.

5. Who points out Constance and Merricat to the villagers in Chapter 8?
(a) Mr. Harler.
(b) Jim Donell.
(c) Mrs. Wright.
(d) Stella.

6. To what does Merricat liken Charles's scream in Chapter 8?
(a) A owl's hoot.
(b) A crow's call.
(c) A bluejay's call.
(d) A hawk's call.

7. What does Constance bake in Chapter 7?
(a) Spice cookies.
(b) An apple pie.
(c) Gingerbread cookies.
(d) Chocolate chip cookies.

8. Who tells everyone at the house to stop taunting the girls?
(a) Jim Clarke.
(b) Dr. Levy.
(c) Helen Clarke.
(d) Charles.

9. What does Charles threaten to do in Chapter 7 which causes Merricat run away?
(a) Lock her in the cellar.
(b) Punish her.
(c) Have her put in a hospital.
(d) Beat her.

10. Why does Constance say Helen cannot come for tea anymore?
(a) Because the house is too messy.
(b) Because they only have two cups.
(c) Because Helen is not trustworthy.
(d) Because Helen will invite others along with her.

11. Who throws a rock through the Blackwood's window?
(a) A small boy.
(b) Jim Donell.
(c) Charles.
(d) Stella.

12. Where does Merricat find Jonas sleeping in Chapter 6?
(a) In Charles' room.
(b) In her secret hiding place.
(c) On the roof of the porch.
(d) Among the lettuce plants.

13. What does Constance ask Merricat to do before dinner?
(a) Comb her hair.
(b) Collect the mail.
(c) Change into a clean dress.
(d) Get some preserves from the cellar.

14. In Chapter 6, what does Charles tell Constance she shouldn't keep in the house?
(a) Julian.
(b) Money.
(c) A cat.
(d) Old newspapers.

15. How does Merricat refer to Charles in Chapter 7?
(a) As a devil.
(b) As a beast.
(c) As a demon.
(d) As a monster.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first thing Merricat does when she wakes up in the morning in Chapter 10?

2. Where does Merricat say she cannot go anymore in Chapter 10?

3. In which room does Constance find nothing has been destroyed?

4. What does Charles try to fix in Chapter 7?

5. Where do Merricat and Constance sweep the rubble to?

(see the answer keys)

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