We Have Always Lived in the Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

We Have Always Lived in the Castle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of day does Merricat say it will be in Chapter 5?
(a) A glittering day.
(b) A slow day.
(c) A rainy day.
(d) A horrible day.

2. What is the name of Merricat's father?
(a) James.
(b) John.
(c) Edward.
(d) Harold.

3. What does Merricat's uncle talk about in Chapter 2?
(a) An argument with his brother.
(b) Travelling in Europe.
(c) Going to church.
(d) An insurance policy.

4. How old is Constance in Chapter 5?
(a) Twenty two years old.
(b) Twenty-eight years old.
(c) Twenty-five years old.
(d) Thirty years old.

5. How many years has it been since the Blackwell family died?
(a) Ten years.
(b) Eight years.
(c) Six years.
(d) Four years.

6. Who owns the nicest home in the village?
(a) The Clarkes.
(b) The Shepherds.
(c) The Rochesters.
(d) The Carringtons.

7. How did the Blackwoods die?
(a) From arsenic poisoning.
(b) In a house fire.
(c) From carbon monoxide poisoning.
(d) In an automobile accident.

8. What does Constance do on Saturdays?
(a) Goes to town.
(b) Walks to the neighbors'.
(c) Reads on the porch.
(d) Works in her garden.

9. What does Merricat say the long field looks like in Chapter 4?
(a) An ice rink.
(b) An ocean.
(c) A fluffy quilt.
(d) A large rug.

10. How can Merricat tell that Julian is well when she goes home in Chapter 5?
(a) Julian is speaking nicely with Charles.
(b) Constance is preparing tea for him.
(c) Merricat can hear Julian whistling.
(d) Julian is out of his room even though it is late.

11. What does Julian describe in detail in Chapter 3?
(a) The day his family died.
(b) His experience in the war.
(c) The day he met his wife.
(d) The pain his body is in.

12. What does Mary Katherine think of the villagers?
(a) They are kind.
(b) They are mean.
(c) They are stupid.
(d) They are better than her.

13. Why does Merricat go outside in Chapter 4?
(a) To see a deer in the yard.
(b) To collect the mail.
(c) To play with Jonas.
(d) To walk to the village.

14. What is in the Blackwoods' orchard?
(a) Six cherry trees.
(b) Four apple trees.
(c) A dozen peach and plum trees.
(d) A few tree stumps.

15. What does Merricat tell Constance about Charles?
(a) That he is a ghost.
(b) That he is a devil.
(c) That his is an imposter.
(d) That he is a monster.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the murdered Blackwoods have for dessert before their deaths?

2. What does Mary Katherine imagine while she is shopping?

3. What do the village children sing songs about?

4. What does Merricat check for damage on the Blackwood property?

5. What is Constance afraid to do?

(see the answer keys)

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