We Have Always Been Here Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Samra Habib
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

We Have Always Been Here Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Samra Habib
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What religious sect did Habib's family belong to?
(a) Shia.
(b) Protestant.
(c) Catholic.
(d) Ahmadi.

2. What was the name of the neighborhood where Habib spent her early years?
(a) Karachi.
(b) Lahore.
(c) Crown Heights.
(d) Little Italy.

3. Why did Habib throw rocks at Rabia and Atika?
(a) Habib did not throw rocks at Rabia and Atika.
(b) Habib was jealous of them.
(c) Habib was trying to help them.
(d) Habib was trying to get there attention.

4. Who was Nasir?
(a) Habib's uncle.
(b) Habib's neighbor.
(c) Habib's friend.
(d) Habib's cousin.

5. Who was Peter?
(a) Habib's neighbor in high school.
(b) Habib's enemy in high school.
(c) Habib's boyfriend in high school.
(d) Habib's friend in high school.

6. How old was Habib when she married?
(a) 19
(b) 17.
(c) 16.
(d) 18.

7. What class was Habib required to take when she moved to North America?
(a) Drama.
(b) Art.
(c) ESL.
(d) History.

8. What was Habib's relationship with Peter like?
(a) They did not work well together.
(b) They worked well together.
(c) They understood each other.
(d) They did not understand each other.

9. Who did Habib help with their ESL homework when she was in middle school?
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her sisters.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her mother.

10. Where did Nasir work?
(a) At a high school.
(b) At a law firm.
(c) A a 7-Eleven.
(d) At a bookstore.

11. What did Habib's father spend most days doing when he first arrived in North America?
(a) Watching TV.
(b) Reading books.
(c) Listening to music.
(d) Studying English.

12. Who was constantly leaving voicemails for Habib while she was in college?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Alex.
(c) Peter.
(d) Her father.

13. Who was Pinky?
(a) A neighbor and friend to Habib's mother.
(b) A cousin.
(c) An aunt.
(d) A teacher.

14. What was the truth about Habib's identity when she was growing up?
(a) The one she had was bad.
(b) She was not allowed to have one.
(c) She did not have one.
(d) It had been decided for her.

15. Who is the author of We Have Always Been Here?
(a) Paul Blart.
(b) Samra Habib.
(c) Ellen Degeneres.
(d) Mae Martin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What religious sect was being targeted by Sunni extremists when Habib was a child?

2. Why did Habib's mother take so long to get the cake on the day of Habib's seventh birthday?

3. What big life event happened to Habib when the last member of her family arrived in North America?

4. What member of Habib's family had their first name forcibly changed?

5. What happened to Habib under a stairwell at school when she was in middle school?

(see the answer keys)

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