We Didn't Test | Final Test - Easy

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We Didn't Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 71 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the author of "We Didn't"?
(a) Yehuda Amichai.
(b) Perry Katzek.
(c) Vincent Kowalski.
(d) Stuart Dybek.

2. Which of the following techniques is used in the sentence "How adept we were at fumbling, how perfectly mistimed our timing, how utterly we confused energy with ecstasy" (233)?
(a) Asyndeton.
(b) Synecdoche.
(c) Polysyndeton.
(d) Antithesis.

3. In the story's opening, what details are related to the characters' youth?
(a) Grass, leaves, and snow.
(b) The condition of the Rambler and the rosary.
(c) Gin's bed and their parents' cars.
(d) Light and darkness.

4. In Gin's dream about the beach, why has the narrator left her alone?
(a) He has gone to get some mustard.
(b) They have had a big fight.
(c) He is trying to help find a lost child.
(d) After they have sex, he loses interest in her.

5. On the fall night when the narrator realizes that his relationship with Gin is over, what are they arguing about?
(a) A female poet who has committed suicide.
(b) The drowned woman.
(c) Whether they will ever have sex.
(d) A series of Elvis movies they saw at a drive-in.

6. From the context of page 234, what "apocalypse" is the allusion to the Four Horsemen referring to?
(a) Climate change.
(b) Nuclear annihilation.
(c) Global pandemic.
(d) Water scarcity.

7. What is the narrator's tone when he recalls, "I was trying to calm your terror with reassuring phrases such as 'Holy shit! I don’t fucking believe this!'” (236)?
(a) Fatalistic.
(b) Ironic.
(c) Bemused.
(d) Acerbic.

8. What kind of blanket does Gin bring to the beach?
(a) A Navajo blanket.
(b) Her grandmother's quilt.
(c) An army blanket.
(d) A picnic blanket.

9. What technique is evident in the phrase "feverish plucking and twanging, tom-toms, congas, and gongs" (235)?
(a) Cacophony.
(b) Double entendre.
(c) Hyperbaton.
(d) Euphony.

10. On the night when he realizes that their relationship is over, what does the narrator realize he really wants from Gin?
(a) For her to get over the incident on the beach.
(b) For her to apologize to him.
(c) For her to like him again.
(d) For her to stay away from him.

11. What does Gin mean when she tells the narrator that she knows the dead woman?
(a) The woman is a distant relative of Gin's.
(b) She dreams about the woman.
(c) The woman was not much older than Gin.
(d) The woman was from her neighborhood.

12. What technique is employed in the phrase "How adept we were at fumbling" (233)?
(a) Verbal irony.
(b) Juxtaposition.
(c) Oxymoron.
(d) Paradox.

13. What is the rhetorical purpose of the anaphora in the narrator's description of the Gold Coast residents having sex?
(a) It forms an ironic contrast with the story's opening.
(b) It creates increasing tension as the list continues.
(c) It stresses the similarities between the narrator and these strangers.
(d) It highlights the comic understatement of the narrator's response to the situation.

14. What characteristic of the area around the beach is conveyed with its nickname, the "Gold Coast"?
(a) It is full of opportunity.
(b) It is expensive.
(c) It is similar to the Mediterranean.
(d) It is beautiful.

15. When the narrator unbuttons the second button on Gin's shirt, what does he see?
(a) Her cross.
(b) A scar.
(c) A bruise.
(d) Her camisole.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what sense is the drowned woman also still constantly in the narrator's thoughts?

2. What technique is employed in the phrase "and justice for all" (234)?

3. What repetition technique is used in the story's opening paragraph?

4. How has the narrator and Gin's relationship changed by the end of the summer?

5. What is the description of the condom springing from the narrator's fingers "like a spring from a clock" (235) meant to convey?

(see the answer keys)

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