We Didn't Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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We Didn't Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 71 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 1: "We Didn't".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While he is on the beach, what does the narrator imagine the couples in the high-rises around them are wearing?
(a) Business suits.
(b) Cocktail attire.
(c) Spa robes.
(d) Monogrammed pajamas.

2. What is the rhetorical purpose of the anaphora in the narrator's description of the Gold Coast residents having sex?
(a) It stresses the similarities between the narrator and these strangers.
(b) It forms an ironic contrast with the story's opening.
(c) It highlights the comic understatement of the narrator's response to the situation.
(d) It creates increasing tension as the list continues.

3. What characteristic of the area around the beach is conveyed with its nickname, the "Gold Coast"?
(a) It is full of opportunity.
(b) It is similar to the Mediterranean.
(c) It is expensive.
(d) It is beautiful.

4. Who is the author of "We Didn't"?
(a) Yehuda Amichai.
(b) Stuart Dybek.
(c) Vincent Kowalski.
(d) Perry Katzek.

5. What is the title of the poem used as an epigraph for this story?
(a) "Water."
(b) "In Darkness and in Light."
(c) "We Did It."
(d) "The Mirror."

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of buildings are on the lovers' lane?

2. Why does Gin tell the narrator "Stop" when they are just about to have sex (236)?

3. What detail on page 233 reveals that some time has passed since the events of the story took place?

4. What does the narrator see on the street when he is leaving Gin's building on the night of the beach incident?

5. On the fall night when the narrator realizes that his relationship with Gin is over, what are they arguing about?

(see the answer key)

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