We Didn't Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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We Didn't Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 71 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 1: "We Didn't".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of blanket does Gin bring to the beach?
(a) Her grandmother's quilt.
(b) A Navajo blanket.
(c) A picnic blanket.
(d) An army blanket.

2. In the story's opening, what details are related to the characters' social circumstances?
(a) Grass, leaves, and snow.
(b) The condition of the Rambler and the rosary.
(c) Gin's bed and their parents' cars.
(d) Light and darkness.

3. How has the narrator and Gin's relationship changed by the end of the summer?
(a) The narrator has begun to notice other girls in his neighborhood.
(b) They argue constantly about trivial things.
(c) Gin is not comfortable being alone with the narrator.
(d) Gin cries whenever the narrator tries to kiss her.

4. While he is on the beach, what does the narrator imagine the couples in the high-rises around them are wearing?
(a) Monogrammed pajamas.
(b) Cocktail attire.
(c) Spa robes.
(d) Business suits.

5. To what does the narrator compare the other lovers on the beach?
(a) Fallen soldiers.
(b) Crash-test dummies.
(c) Sleeping dolls.
(d) Abandoned mannequins.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Gin tell the narrator "Stop" when they are just about to have sex (236)?

2. What is the rhetorical purpose of including the detail "the skinny rails of your legs" (235) when the narrator is talking about taking off Gin's bikini bottom?

3. What does Gin tell the narrator she is afraid of when they are lying on the beach together?

4. To what British author does the narrator ironically compare himself near the end of the story?

5. What is the title of the poem used as an epigraph for this story?

(see the answer key)

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