We Didn't Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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We Didn't Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 71 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 1: "We Didn't".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the simile that the narrator uses when he describes holding Gin's breasts in his hands on page 234, to what does he compare her breasts?
(a) Water.
(b) Cups.
(c) A garden.
(d) Fruit.

2. Why does Gin tell the narrator "Stop" when they are just about to have sex (236)?
(a) The narrator's condom has fallen off.
(b) She sees the police lights.
(c) She has changed her mind about having sex.
(d) She sees something in the water.

3. On the fall night when the narrator realizes that his relationship with Gin is over, what are they arguing about?
(a) Whether they will ever have sex.
(b) The drowned woman.
(c) A female poet who has committed suicide.
(d) A series of Elvis movies they saw at a drive-in.

4. Why does the narrator say that Lake Michigan "became" the Pacific Ocean (235)?
(a) The sound of the waves is exaggerated by his excitement.
(b) He is experiencing a feeling of being lost in space and time.
(c) Gin has always imagined losing her virginity on a California beach.
(d) He is referencing the film From Here to Eternity.

5. What repetition technique is used in the story's opening paragraph?
(a) Epistrophe.
(b) Antanaclasis.
(c) Epizeuxis.
(d) Anaphora.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what sense is the drowned woman also still constantly in the narrator's thoughts?

2. What is the rhetorical purpose of the anaphora in the narrator's description of the Gold Coast residents having sex?

3. Who asks the narrator and Gin questions as they try to leave the beach?

4. What does Gin believe is true about the dead woman on the beach?

5. What technique is evident in the phrase "feverish plucking and twanging, tom-toms, congas, and gongs" (235)?

(see the answer key)

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