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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How do Fainall and Mrs. Marwood decide to reveal Mirabell's plan to Lady Wishfort?
2. What does Mrs. Marwood's letter to Lady Wishfort reveal?
3. One of the three types of critics that Concreve claims is_____________.
4. What happens when Mincing enters the room in Act 3, Scene 3?
5. Which character(s) is/are not present in Lady Wishfort's dining room?
Short Essay Questions
1. Discuss Lady Wishfort's character as it has developed throughout the play.
2. Why is Mrs. Marwood trying to provoke Mrs. Millamant in Act 3, Scene 3?
3. Discuss Mrs. Marwood's statements in Act 5, Scene 2.
4. How have the fortunes of the lovers been determined in this play? Is this a good thing or a bad one? Explain your point of view.
5. Explain Mrs. Fainall's relief at not being found out by her mother.
6. Why does Lady Wishfort come to the conclusion that Sir Wilfull will not make a good husband for Mrs. Millamant?
7. Compare Congreve's opinions on love, marriage, and honesty with another play, novel, movie, etc. you know well.
8. Lay out Fainall's demands to keep his knowledge about his wife from society. Is this a reasonable revenge or not?
9. Why is this play considered to be universal instead of simply a Restoration comedy of manners?
10. As Act 4, Scene 2 opens Waitwell seems to be successful in his pursuit of Lady Wishfort. Why is this so? What is Lady Wishfort's reaction?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Lady Wishfort is a vain, silly woman who is bound by the rules of Restoration society. Discuss her character giving illustrations from the play. What are some of the rules she tried to obey? How is this different from today's society?
Essay Topic 2
Congreve claimed that 'Fame and fortune are fleeting'. What does he mean by this statement? Do you think it is true? Why or why not? Give specific examples (either from the play or real life) to illustrate your point of view.
Essay Topic 3
Find at least three examples in the play which show how Mirabell feels about Mrs. Millamant. Is his love true? What is true love? Explain your point of view.
This section contains 915 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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