The Way of the World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who witnessed the document in the black box?
(a) Foible and Mincing.
(b) Sir Wilfull.
(c) Witwoud and Petulant.
(d) Mrs. Millamant.

2. Why does Lady Wishfort criticize her daughter, Mrs. Fainall?
(a) Because she discovers she is an adulteress.
(b) She believes the moral example she set should have been followed.
(c) Mrs. Marwood convinces her of Mrs. Fainall's chastity.
(d) She is jealous of her love affairs.

3. Why does Lady Wishfort claim she cannot turn over her fortune to Fainall?
(a) Because she doesn't like being blackmailed.
(b) Because she has no fortune.
(c) Because Mrs. Millamant has agreed to marry Sir Wilfull.
(d) Because of her legal counsel.

4. Who delivered the epilogue?
(a) A special reader.
(b) Congreve himself.
(c) The same actress who played Mrs. Millamant.
(d) Congreve's wife.

5. How is this play properly classified?
(a) As a drama.
(b) As a comedy of manners.
(c) As a comedy.
(d) As a satire.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Foible disobey Lady Wishfort instructions when Lady Wishfort sends Foible to ensure Sir Wilfull and Mrs. Millamant talk?

2. Which one of the following statements was not revealed by Mincing to Foible?

3. Why does Sir Wilfull bow out of his marriage arrangement with Mrs. Millamant?

4. Which room in Lady Wishfort's house is the setting for Act 4, Scene 2?

5. What does Sir Rowland claim as he enters the dining room and greets Lady Wishfort?

Short Essay Questions

1. What makes the scene between Mrs. Fainall and Foible comic?

2. Lay out Fainall's demands to keep his knowledge about his wife from society. Is this a reasonable revenge or not?

3. Discuss Lady Wishfort's reaction to Foible's revelations in Act 5, Scene 1.

4. How do you think audiences in this era would react to such a revolutionary position as that of Mrs. Millamant who was asking for equal rights?

5. Does Congreve achieve his purpose with the endless teasing of Sir Wilfull by his half-brother Witwoud and Petulant?

6. Explain Mrs. Fainall's relief at not being found out by her mother.

7. Why is Mrs. Marwood trying to provoke Mrs. Millamant in Act 3, Scene 3?

8. Explain the significance of Sir Wilfull Witwoud's travels.

9. Why does Lady Wishfort come to the conclusion that Sir Wilfull will not make a good husband for Mrs. Millamant?

10. Discuss Mrs. Marwood's statements in Act 5, Scene 2.

(see the answer keys)

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