The Way of the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Marwood promise herself after hearing how Mirabell feels about her?
(a) That she will not chase him anymore.
(b) That she will help him in his scheme against Lady Wishfort.
(c) That she is going to see him in dire circumstances some day and then she will have her revenge.
(d) That she still loves him and is going to have him.

2. With respect to Sir Wilfull, what does Mrs. Marwood suggest to Lady Wishfort?
(a) Sir Wilfull is a drunkard.
(b) Sir Wilfull is a country bumpkin.
(c) Sir Wilfull will make an excellent husband for Mrs. Millamant.
(d) Sir Wilfull is going to continue his travels.

3. What does Mirabell suggest that Mrs. Fainall do if she no longer loves her husband?
(a) Divorce him.
(b) Maintain a status quo with him.
(c) Kill him.
(d) Ignore him.

4. What is a cabal?
(a) A meeting of enemies against the state.
(b) A secret society; a plot.
(c) A group of friends.
(d) A military uprising.

5. What does Mirabell state that he believes about Mrs. Millamant to Fainall?
(a) That Mrs. Millamant should not be so cruel to him.
(b) That Mrs. Millamant's faults suit her very well.
(c) That he will help her improve on her faults.
(d) That Mrs. Millamant's faults are a nuisance.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Congreve choose this symbol of cosmetics?

2. What word best describes the relationship Fainall has with Mrs. Marwood?

3. What do the different marriages introduced in the play seem to be motivated by?

4. Why did Mirabell pretend to love Lady Wishfort?

5. What happens if Mirabell's uncle marries and has a child?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Petulant.

2. How does Congreve feel about Mirabell's plot?

3. Why does Mrs. Fainall support Mirabell's plans?

4. Explain Fainall's circumstances as we know them by Act 2, Scene 1. What is his relationship with the women in the play?

5. In what way(s) is the play different from the usual farce audiences were accustomed to?

6. Why are fame and fortune said to be 'fleeting'?

7. Do you think that a prologue is a good way to introduce a play? Why or why not?

8. Describe what we know about Mrs. Marwood at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1.

9. Explain what Mrs. Marwood learned when she stayed in the closet in Lady Wishfort's dressing room. How does she react?

10. In Act 3, Scene 1, Lady Wishfort is excited about the arrival of Sir Rowland in the evening. In a short paragraph, describe the Sir Rowland plot as shown up to this point. What do you think will happen to Sir Rowland and Lady Wishfort?

(see the answer keys)

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