The Way of the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the scene where Mrs. Marwood is left in the closet reveal about her?
(a) She is upset at being left in the closet by Lady Wishfort.
(b) She is a nasty character with no true friends.
(c) She is angry at Mirabell but still wants him as her lover.
(d) She is eager to marry Sir Wilfull.

2. While drinking chocolate, what else are Mirabell and Fainall doing?
(a) Smoking.
(b) Drinking.
(c) Discussing their travel plans.
(d) Playing cards.

3. What happens if Mirabell's uncle marries and has a child?
(a) Fainall will receive a fee for helping the uncle.
(b) Mirabell will lose his inheritance.
(c) The uncle will gain his statue in society.
(d) Mirabell will be penniless.

4. Why does Petulant hire three prostitutes?
(a) Act as a foil to his popularity.
(b) Feign importance to his peers.
(c) Satisfy his sexual needs.
(d) Show his lack of social sensitivity.

5. By firing back at the audience, what does Congreve do?
(a) He lectures them about their lack of artistic understanding.
(b) He pretends to admire them while he really hates them.
(c) He defends his decision to add some unusual and new elements to the play.
(d) He infuriates the audience.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lady Wishfort ask Mrs. Marwood to do after Foible's announcement?

2. Why did Lady Wishfort need to apply rouge?

3. Why does Mirabell believe the scheme to deceive Lady Wishfort is necessary?

4. What does Foible tell Mrs. Fainall when Lady Wishfort leaves the dressing room?

5. What reason does Fainall give for Mirabell's deception being revealed?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why are fame and fortune said to be 'fleeting'?

2. What opinion do you have of Mirabell's trickery in pretending to love Lady Wishfort in order to marry Mrs. Millamant? Is this too far-fetched to be believable or is it a possibility? Explain your point of view using specific examples from the play.

3. Is Congreve's use of character names symbolic of their personalities an effective device?

4. What is the relationship between Lady Wishfort and Mrs. Marwood?

5. In what way(s) is the play different from the usual farce audiences were accustomed to?

6. Do you think that a prologue is a good way to introduce a play? Why or why not?

7. Describe Mirabell's character.

8. Describe Mrs. Millamant.

9. What do you think is Congreve's purpose in establishing an affair between Fainall and Mrs. Marwood?

10. What is the relationship between Waitwell and Foible?

(see the answer keys)

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