The Way of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of person is Sir Wilfull Witwoud?
(a) Rude and pretentious.
(b) Genuine but uncultured.
(c) Happy-go-lucky.
(d) Youthful and crude.

2. Why does Lady Wishfort praise Mrs. Marwood at the beginning of Act 5, Scene 2?
(a) Because she believes Marwood is a generous person.
(b) Because Marwood is a cultured lady who dislikes low morals.
(c) Because Marwood disavows Mirabell and Sir Rowland.
(d) Because Marwood revealed Mirabell's plot against her.

3. Congreve's claim that there are three types of critics includes all except one of the following. Which one is it?
(a) Failed poets who have no qualifications for judging others.
(b) Tabloid reporters.
(c) Those who always dislike the plays they see.
(d) Other successful playwrights.

4. Why does Mrs. Marwood urge Lady Wishfort to reconsider her desire to hear Fainall's proof of his wife's adultery?
(a) A public scandal would damage the family's reputation.
(b) Nothing warrants her daughter's actions.
(c) Mrs. Fainall is still carrying on.
(d) Her daughter betrayed her.

5. What happens when Mincing enters the room in Act 3, Scene 3?
(a) Everyone leaves except Fainall and Mrs. Marwood.
(b) Fainall speaks to his wife.
(c) Lady Wishfort speaks to Mrs. Marwood.
(d) Everyone greets Sir Wilfull.

6. Even though she has been deceived by Mirabell and berates Foible, Lady Wishfort is shown as a __________ character.
(a) Clever.
(b) Stupid.
(c) Sympathetic.
(d) Charming.

7. Who rescues Waitwell after his difficulties?
(a) Mrs. Fainall.
(b) His master, Mirabell.
(c) Mrs. Millamant.
(d) Foible.

8. What does Waitwell bring into the room in the last scene?
(a) His marriage certificate.
(b) His personal documents.
(c) His marriage contract with Lady Wishfort.
(d) The black box.

9. How does Mrs. Millamant react to Mirabell's visit and finishing the poem she is reciting?
(a) She professes her love for him to Mrs. Fainall when Mirabell leaves.
(b) She feels relief that he didn't argue with Lady Wishfort.
(c) She feels hurt that he has asked for so many terms in the marriage proposal.
(d) She is indifferent to his proposal.

10. What has Lady Wishfort discovered that has her so angry at the beginning of Act 5, Scene 1?
(a) Her maid was stealing from her.
(b) Fainall is going to ruin her.
(c) Her suitor, Sir Rowland, was a fake.
(d) Sir Rowland was actually a foreigner.

11. What demands does Mrs. Millamant's discussion with Mirabell about marriage reveal?
(a) She suggests he limit his numerous affairs.
(b) She pleads that he not become a drunkard.
(c) She wants equal rights in her marriage.
(d) She asks him to always be faithful.

12. What does Lady Wishfort demonstrate when she agrees to Fainall and Mrs. Marwood's schemes?
(a) She is too trusting.
(b) She is subject to society's norms and opinions.
(c) She is a good Christian lady.
(d) She believes in the high moral standards of her peers.

13. What is Lady Wishfort doing as Act 4, Scene 2 commences?
(a) Having tea with her guests.
(b) Playing cards with her guests.
(c) Chatting casually.
(d) Lecturing Sir Wilfull on his drunkenness.

14. What does Sir Rowland claim as he enters the dining room and greets Lady Wishfort?
(a) He will die of a broken heart if their marriage is delayed.
(b) He will be patient and wait for the wedding to occur.
(c) He claims that Mirabell will starve him to prevent their marriage.
(d) He wants to have a quiet wedding in the country.

15. Why is Fainall upset with Mrs. Marwood at the end of Act 3, Scene 3?
(a) Because she spoiled his plans to get Mrs. Millamant's fortune.
(b) Because his wife shouldn't be having an affair with Mirabell, so he is angry at the world.
(c) Because she is clearly not in love with him.
(d) Because he loves Mrs. Millamant.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much is Mrs. Millamant's fortune?

2. What does the final couplet of the play warn the audience against?

3. When Fainall enters in Act 5, Scene 2, what does he do?

4. What does Mrs. Millamant achieve when she renounces Mirabell?

5. All of the following characteristics of Lady Wishfort's girlish excitement at Sir Rowland's visit are revealed except one. Which characteristic is not true of Lady Wishfort?

(see the answer keys)

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