The Way of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the item that Waitwell brings into the room in the last scene contain?
(a) A marriage certificate between Waitwell and Foible.
(b) Sir Rowland's documents of identity.
(c) Proof of Mrs. Marwood's lies.
(d) A document from Mrs. Fainall placing her fortune in Mirabell's trust before her marriage to Fainall.

2. Why does Congreve say these critics should be the subject of onstage satire?
(a) Because critics should not be made fun of since they hold a lot of power with the public.
(b) Because this would inflate their sense of self-importance.
(c) Because they would retaliate.
(d) Because they are not important enough to bother with.

3. Which one of the following statements was not revealed by Mincing to Foible?
(a) Mirabell orders her to hide until Lady Wishfort gets over being angry.
(b) Mirabell got Waitwell out of jail.
(c) Fainall has ordered Mirabell arrested.
(d) Fainall has threatened to divorce his wife unless she gives him her fortune.

4. All of the following characteristics of Lady Wishfort's girlish excitement at Sir Rowland's visit are revealed except one. Which characteristic is not true of Lady Wishfort?
(a) She is a genuine person.
(b) She is a typical lady of Restoration society.
(c) She is a vain fool.
(d) She is an aging woman.

5. What has Lady Wishfort discovered that has her so angry at the beginning of Act 5, Scene 1?
(a) Her suitor, Sir Rowland, was a fake.
(b) Fainall is going to ruin her.
(c) Sir Rowland was actually a foreigner.
(d) Her maid was stealing from her.

6. What does Waitwell bring into the room in the last scene?
(a) His marriage contract with Lady Wishfort.
(b) The black box.
(c) His marriage certificate.
(d) His personal documents.

7. One of the three types of critics that Concreve claims is_____________.
(a) Celebrities.
(b) Tabloid reporters.
(c) Other playwrights.
(d) Mirabell.

8. Why are failed poets unable to judge Congreve's play?
(a) They would never agree that someone else is successful.
(b) They simply lack the ability to judge another poet's work.
(c) They have no standards as they have already been proven failures.
(d) They would be jealous.

9. What is Lady Wishfort's reaction to Mrs. Marwood's suggestion about Mrs. Fainall?
(a) She complains of a headache and goes to lie down.
(b) She says she needs time to think.
(c) She disagrees with Mrs. Marwood.
(d) She agrees with Mrs. Marwood.

10. In order for Mrs. Millamant to become Mirabell's prize, he must first ___________ .
(a) Prevent Fainall from divorcing Mrs. Fainall.
(b) Defeat Fainall's machinations.
(c) Stop Fainall from killing Mrs. Fainall.
(d) Keep Sir Wilfull from marrying Mrs. Millamant.

11. What does Waitwell promise to bring Lady Wishfort when he is revealed as an impostor?
(a) A black box with a ring for their engagement.
(b) Certain personal documents of Lady Wishfort.
(c) A black box containing a gift for Lady Wishfort.
(d) Proof of his identity.

12. Which character(s) is/are not present in Lady Wishfort's dining room?
(a) Mirabell and Fainall.
(b) Mrs. Millamant and Mrs. Fainall.
(c) Sir Wilfull and Witwoud.
(d) Lady Wishfort.

13. What does Congreve's cheerful discussion of marriage reveal to the audience?
(a) He feelings that marriage should be based on true communication and understanding.
(b) He illustrates the ways marriage can be perverted.
(c) He offers a serious commentary on love.
(d) He shows the true concept of marriage at the time.

14. Why were Witwoud and Petulant arguing at the end of Act 4, Scent 1?
(a) They were drunk and garrulous.
(b) It is the result of Fainall's plan to keep Sir Wilfull from obtaining Lady Wishfort's approval.
(c) They dislike Fainall and Sir Wilfull.
(d) Fainall is trying to keep Mrs. Millamant and Sir Wilfull together.

15. Why is Congreve's play timeless?
(a) It is a period piece.
(b) It makes witty statements about love and lovers.
(c) It focuses on social issues.
(d) It was comic.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Act 3, Scene 3 opens, Mrs. Millamant and Mrs. Marwood are talking. What do we learn from their interaction?

2. Why is Sir Wilfull unsuccessful when he tries to woo Mrs. Millamant?

3. Lady Wishfort has arranged for the party to include all of the following except one item. Which one is it?

4. Who would have received Mrs. Millamant's fortune if Lady Wishfort took it from her?

5. What else does Sir Wilfull say when he apologizes for his drunken behavior?

(see the answer keys)

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