The Way of the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Witwoud describe Petulant?
(a) As humorless.
(b) As a person lacking breeding.
(c) As a blockhead.
(d) As a monster similar to Caliban.

2. What is the purpose of the play?
(a) To lecture the audience and therefore, society.
(b) To add to the audience's knowledge.
(c) To entertain the audience.
(d) To instruct the audience in life.

3. What is Lady Wishfort planning to do?
(a) Divorce Fainall.
(b) Marry Mirabell.
(c) Disinherit Mirabell.
(d) Marry Mrs. Millamant to Mirabell's uncle.

4. What does Mrs. Marwood claim while talking to Mrs. Fainall?
(a) She would rather love and be left than not be loved at all.
(b) Men are cold as husbands.
(c) She is cuckolding her husband with Mirabell.
(d) Lovers are more passionate.

5. What does Fainall claim about Mrs. Marwood?
(a) She is bored in his company.
(b) She is really angry with him.
(c) She is concerned about her reputation.
(d) She is jealous of his wife spending time with Mirabell.

6. Why are poets often fooled?
(a) They believe in their work and expect others to understand and like it.
(b) They are fooled into believing that one successful play means the next one will be successful also.
(c) They don't study their critics.
(d) They believe what people tell them to their face.

7. Why does Congreve choose this symbol of cosmetics?
(a) He wanted to acknowledge how beautiful it made women.
(b) He wanted to show how people change themselves because of vanity.
(c) He believed that make-up is immoral.
(d) He felt it served no purpose in life.

8. What does Mrs. Fainall reveal to Foible in her mother's dressing room?
(a) She supports Mrs. Marwood in her scheme.
(b) She loves Mrs. Millamant and wants the plan to succeed.
(c) She knows of Mirabell's plans.
(d) She is worried about Lady Wishfort's reaction.

9. Why is the theatrical device 'eavesdropping' used by Marwood comical?
(a) She is self-important.
(b) She is forced to listen to the other character's true opinions of her.
(c) She wants revenge on Mirabell.
(d) She is intrigued by the plots going on.

10. Why is Mrs. Fainall's husband cold to her?
(a) His libido has lessened with age.
(b) Because of his affair with Mrs. Marwood.
(c) He no longer loves her.
(d) He hates her for cuckolding him.

11. What is the purpose of this play's prologue?
(a) To instruct the audience about love.
(b) To encourage other poets.
(c) To set the stage for a 'rant' against society.
(d) To introduce Congreve and his play.

12. What does the prologue do?
(a) Introduces Congreve and his play.
(b) Instructs the audience on how to react to the play.
(c) Limits criticism of the play.
(d) Challenges the audience to try something new.

13. When Mrs. Millamant makes her first appearance on stage, Mrs. Millimant interacts with Mirabell and Mrs. Fainall. Which word best describes Mrs. Millamant's character after this scene?
(a) Cruel.
(b) Foolish.
(c) Cold.
(d) Strong.

14. Why did Mirabell leave Lady Wishfort's house the previous evening?
(a) Because he detested Lady Wishfort and only went because of Mrs. Millamant.
(b) Because he felt ill and wanted to rest at home.
(c) Because he felt unwelcome.
(d) Because of another commitment.

15. What word best describes the relationship Fainall has with Mrs. Marwood?
(a) Troubled.
(b) Loving and tender.
(c) Unhappy.
(d) Filled with underlying rage.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Lady Wishfort need to apply rouge?

2. How does Mrs. Marwood answer Fainall when he joins her in the park?

3. What did Lady Wishfort say or do that offended Mirabell?

4. What does the success of Congreve's play depend on?

5. What reason does Fainall give for Mirabell's deception being revealed?

(see the answer keys)

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