The Way of the World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the World Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 5, Scene 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Mrs. Millamant?
(a) An acquaintance of Mirabell.
(b) Fainall's sister.
(c) The woman Mirabell loves.
(d) A relative of the two gentlemen.

2. What inconvenience does Foible point out about Sir Rowland to Lady Wishfort?
(a) He was gay.
(b) He didn't love Lady Wishfort.
(c) He wanted to remain a bachelor.
(d) He was already married to her, Foible.

3. Who are Witwoud and Petulant?
(a) Mrs. Millamant's servants.
(b) Important gentlemen of this social group.
(c) Lady Wishfort's servants.
(d) Followers of Mrs. Millamant.

4. What does Mrs. Marwood do to stop the argument between Petulant and Sir Wilfull in Act 3, Scene 3?
(a) She asks Sir Wilfull to stay in the city.
(b) She says she has a headache.
(c) She introduces the two brothers.
(d) She asks them to be quiet.

5. Why does the prologue refer to Congreve as a 'passive poet'?
(a) Because he believes that the play will be accepted.
(b) Because they are society and he doesn't want to offend society members.
(c) Because he doesn't like to argue his points of view.
(d) Because he is an artist who will accept the audience's opinion of his play.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are the fools spoken of in the prologue?

2. What does Waitwell promise to bring Lady Wishfort when he is revealed as an impostor?

3. Why does Mirabell criticize Fainall at the chocolate house?

4. What does Mrs. Fainall ask the maids to do for her at the end of Act 5, Scene 1?

5. What qualities is the proposed marriage between Sir Rowland and Lady Wishfort rooted in?

(see the answer key)

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