Ways of Seeing Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ways of Seeing Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do paintings of children demonstrate about the patron who commissioned the work?
(a) It demonstrates how the patron remains in the upper class of society.
(b) It demonstrates their good political judgment.
(c) It demonstrates that the patron is of good health.
(d) It demonstrates what they own and enjoy in life.

2. How could one best describe Hans Baldung Grien's "Three ages of Women"?
(a) Humorous.
(b) Sensual.
(c) Peaceful.
(d) Lovely.

3. Which of the following is the title of a painting on pages 72 and 73?
(a) "President Washington Age 40."
(b) "Unearthly."
(c) "Venus and Mars."
(d) "The Princess of Russia."

4. What words best describe the gaze of the subjects on their own material goods in a traditional oil painting?
(a) Generous, faithful, pleasant.
(b) Confident, formal, arrogant.
(c) Satisfied, generous, serious.
(d) Formal, wary, content.

5. In Chapter 6, what images are on pages 120 and 121?
(a) Landscapes.
(b) Family and other social groupings.
(c) Formal portaits.
(d) Botanical prints.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the purpose of the paired images on pages 126 and 127?

2. After the period of traditional oil paintings, what medium becomes the primary form of visual imagery?

3. What is the main difference in the effect on the viewer between the two Rembrandt self-portraits?

4. What is most interesting about the two works from Courbet on pages 124 and 125?

5. What is different about an art collector compared to a collector of other objects?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe how Holbein's work "The Ambassadors" is typical of traditional oil paintings and the manner of presenting the subjects, as explained by the authors.

2. In Chapter 6, explain how facing pages 116 and 117 return to Blake's theme of Africa and America supporting Europe.

3. According to the authors, how is a collector of art different than a collector of other things?

4. Describe the difference in the artist portrayal of a portrait versus a self-portrait.

5. According to Berger et al., how do traditional oil paintings perpetuate the wealth and power of the ruling class?

6. Describe the images of death in Chapter 4 on pages 68 and 69, and name some of the specific paintings.

7. Describe Couture's eighteenth century painting "A Roman Feast", and explain how it plays into the other images on the facing page.

8. How are pages 72 and 73, which contain images of mythological characters and fanciful human figures, different than the previous images that are displayed in Chapter 4?

9. How does Courbet's two paintings, reproduced in Chapter 6 on facing pages 124 and 125, titled "Girl in White Stockings" and "Demoiselles au bord de la Seine" illustrate two distinct styles of his work?

10. How is the meaning of the images in Chapter 6 on pages 120 and 121, that depict daily life, of any significance?

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