Ways of Seeing Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ways of Seeing Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How could one best describe Hans Baldung Grien's "Three ages of Women"?
(a) Lovely.
(b) Peaceful.
(c) Humorous.
(d) Sensual.

2. According to Berger et al., why does ordinary life have more meaning when recorded on a canvas?
(a) Because it portrays everyday life as an interesting event.
(b) Because it took weeks or months to recreate the image from the artist's point of view,
(c) Because artists appreciate these works more than works with other subjects.
(d) Because the elite upper classes are willing to pay large sums of money for a painting.

3. Which statement could easily be an interpretation of Van Gogh's "a cornfield with birds flying out of it"?
(a) The final release from the struggle of his soul before suicide.
(b) The obsession of fortune and fame of an artist in his day.
(c) The ultimate battle between rich and poor.
(d) The balance between man and nature.

4. What do paintings of children demonstrate about the patron who commissioned the work?
(a) It demonstrates how the patron remains in the upper class of society.
(b) It demonstrates their good political judgment.
(c) It demonstrates what they own and enjoy in life.
(d) It demonstrates that the patron is of good health.

5. Which word best describes the position of artists as traditional oil painting develops?
(a) Defense.
(b) Fortune.
(c) Struggle.
(d) Opposition.

6. What is genre as a subject?
(a) Exotic animals.
(b) New world subjects.
(c) Common life subjects.
(d) Exotic botanicals.

7. What does Nattier's "Mademoiselle de Clermonte" depict?
(a) The social structure that is acceptable and expected of the time.
(b) The wealth and power and foreign nations.
(c) The injustice against women.
(d) The politics of war.

8. What could be said about the contents of Chapter 4?
(a) The contents include two paintings from each period of art.
(b) The images are ordered by date.
(c) The images represent a general history of art.
(d) The contents are not organized in any manner.

9. In what way does the ruling class of a period support or promote their own way of seeing?
(a) By only permitting specifc depictions of holy figures.
(b) By commissioning oil paintings that depict sights of what they possess.
(c) By creating great halls of family portraits.
(d) By bribing artists into depicting themselves as more wealthy or powerful than they really are.

10. What words best describe the gaze of the subjects on their own material goods in a traditional oil painting?
(a) Formal, wary, content.
(b) Confident, formal, arrogant.
(c) Satisfied, generous, serious.
(d) Generous, faithful, pleasant.

11. What covers the Knoll Ball Room?
(a) Nude photos.
(b) Oil paintings.
(c) Busts of prominent persons.
(d) Heavy tapestries.

12. What character often appears in the images on pages 72 and 73?
(a) Pan.
(b) The Madonna.
(c) The Pope.
(d) The king's chamberlain.

13. How is Maddox Brown's painting different than the other images on pages 66 and 67?
(a) The painting could be considered humorous in comparison to the other images.
(b) The painting depicts an unknown subject.
(c) The painting includes mythical beings that are not present in the other images.
(d) The painting is entirely in black and white.

14. What is evident when comparing the two images "Sarah Burge, 1883. Dr Barnardo's Homes" and " Peasant Boy Leaning on Sill"?
(a) The photograph captures motion better than the oil painting.
(b) The oil painting has more detail than the photograph.
(c) The oil painting contains less realism than the photograph.
(d) The photograph portrays the subject in more clarity.

15. What is similar about the two paintings by Courbet on pages 124 and 125?
(a) They are both feminine.
(b) They both show family settings.
(c) They both depict voluptuous women.
(d) They are very dark and bold in color.

Short Answer Questions

1. What tends to be the central figure(s) in the images presented in Chapter 4 on pages 66 and 67?

2. What is the extraordinary significance of works such as" A Family Group" by Nouts?

3. What is the subject of Rembrandt's first self-portrait?

4. What is the main difference in the effect on the viewer between the two Rembrandt self-portraits?

5. All of the following are titles of works that begin Chapter 6, except for which one?

(see the answer keys)

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