Watership Down Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Watership Down Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do the rabbits think is dead?
(a) Fiver
(b) Bigwig
(c) Dandelion
(d) Hazel

2. Where was the only place the rabbits could get food?
(a) A farm
(b) A green grocers
(c) A house
(d) A cow field

3. What the name of Hazel's warren?
(a) Watership Down
(b) Romsey
(c) The Winchester
(d) Honeycomb

4. On what are the rabbits drifting down the river?
(a) A piece of wood
(b) A boat
(c) A raft
(d) A log

5. What does Bigwig have to do to get the mark of his choice?
(a) Kill Fiver
(b) Return to Efrafa
(c) Sing a song
(d) Let the General pass

6. What does the General find when his patrol digs through the Honeycomb?
(a) The rabbits have filled it in below
(b) Food supplies
(c) Dead does
(d) The rabbits have gone

7. Who assures Hazel there is nothing to worry about concerning Bigwig?
(a) Blackavar
(b) Fiver
(c) Strawberry
(d) Avens

8. Who does El-ahrairah say is planning to honor the dog?
(a) The farmer
(b) The cat
(c) The king
(d) The queen

9. What is different about the rabbit that meets Hazel?
(a) His tail is on fire
(b) He has pink eyes
(c) He has a red nose
(d) He has shining ears

10. Who did the King lock in the prison hole?
(a) El-ahrairah
(b) Inle
(c) Rabscuttle
(d) Darzin

11. About what does the General question Bigwig?
(a) His lack of discipline
(b) His leadership skills
(c) Hazel's rabbits
(d) His loyalty

12. What kind of mark does the General offer Bigwig?
(a) Mark of his choice
(b) Mark of the rabbit stud
(c) Mark of second in command
(d) Mark of the rabbit saint

13. Who do Hazel's rabbits leave behind?
(a) Blackberry
(b) Pipkin
(c) Silver
(d) Fiver

14. Why does Bigwig pretend to be hurt?
(a) To get attention from a doe
(b) To get more food
(c) To get the fox to chase him
(d) To get a day off

15. Who does Hazel send to give a message to Efrafa?
(a) Fiver
(b) Bigwig
(c) Kehaar
(d) Pipkin

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Lucy set Hazel free?

2. Who coaxes the rabbits into crossing the river?

3. For what is the patrol looking?

4. Who becomes chief of the new warren?

5. Where do the rabbits find the dog?

(see the answer keys)

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