Waterlily Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waterlily Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has shamed the girl Waterlily and Blue Bird learn about in Chapter 12?
(a) Her parents are criminals.
(b) She cannot swim across the river.
(c) She had eloped and not been to see her husband's parents.
(d) She had ruined a prayer ceremony.

2. What happens to the two horses before the ghostkeeping?
(a) They are stolen one night.
(b) They each break a leg.
(c) They die.
(d) They ingest poisonous mushrooms.

3. What does Sacred Horse begin to see when they start spending time with Red Leaf's family?
(a) That Waterlily is in love with Red Leaf.
(b) The real Waterlily.
(c) He does not love Waterlily.
(d) A way to profit from his marriage.

4. What do the two women want from Black Eagle and his family in exchange for the two horses in Chapter 13?
(a) Black Eagle's servitude.
(b) Waterlily to marry their son.
(c) A new tipi.
(d) Two cows.

5. What does Good Hunter suggest to stop the disease spreading through the people in Chapter 15?
(a) They fast for fourteen days.
(b) They kill all the women and children.
(c) They break off into small groups.
(d) They gather the sick and drown them.

6. What does the family in the story do instead of avenging their son's death in Chapter 15?
(a) Leave the camp circle.
(b) They buy the killer gifts and welcome him into their family.
(c) Pray for his forgiveness.
(d) Commit suicide.

7. What was the significance of the ghostkeeping to Gloku?
(a) A complete disrespect to her name.
(b) The final way her family could honor her.
(c) A way to dispose of her body.
(d) An unfunny joke.

8. How many wives does Sacred Horse's father have?
(a) None; he is a horse.
(b) Seventeen.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

9. Why is Waterlily not interested in remarrying in Chapter 17?
(a) She wants to travel the world.
(b) She despises marriage.
(c) She believes Sacred Horse is alive.
(d) She is overwhelmed by grief for Sacred Horse.

10. Who comes to tell stories while Waterlily is at Red Leaf's family's tipi in Chapter 15?
(a) Gloku's spirit.
(b) Black Eagle.
(c) Yankton.
(d) Star Elk.

11. What does Waterlily do out of love and respect for her grandmother's memory?
(a) Accept a marriage proposal.
(b) Put flowers at her grave site.
(c) Weep for days.
(d) Take a vow of silence.

12. What has happened to Little Chief while Waterlily has been away?
(a) He has gotten married.
(b) He has become Big Chief.
(c) He has fallen ill.
(d) He has been killed.

13. What teaching keeps Waterlily from revealing the truth to Lowanla in Chapter 17?
(a) Dakota women and their honor.
(b) How to lie effectively.
(c) Never say an unkind word.
(d) What he does not know will not hurt him.

14. How do Sacred Horse's mothers seem to get along?
(a) They get along quite well.
(b) They do not speak.
(c) They bicker all day.
(d) They do not know each other.

15. Who did Ohiya meet when his father visited Palani years ago?
(a) His future wife.
(b) His maker.
(c) A holy man that guided his life.
(d) His friend Red Leaf.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Waterlily notice while watching the singers in the celebration in Chapter 10?

2. Where is the war party Waterlily is to travel with headed?

3. Who dies during Gloku's ghostkeeping ceremony?

4. What had Waterlily hoped the first time she saw Lowanla?

5. What does the word Mitawa mean in Dakota?

(see the answer keys)

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