Waterlily Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Waterlily Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Star Elk summon to be with them when he takes Blue Bird to his family?
(a) The chief of the tribe.
(b) An Indian spirit god.
(c) Blue Bird's grandmother.
(d) Several servants.

2. Where does Gloku decide to take the children to learn to pray?
(a) To the shaman of the tribe.
(b) To the chapel at Santa Anna.
(c) The waterfall in the river.
(d) The pile of prayers.

3. What does Blue Bird do immediately after giving birth?
(a) Say a prayer of thankfulness.
(b) Runs to find Star Elk.
(c) Drown the baby in the river.
(d) Wraps the baby up and changes clothes.

4. In the story that Black Eagle's family hears in Chapter 6, what did the buffalo do when the tribe was starving?
(a) Die of starvation as well.
(b) Stampede through a hunting party.
(c) Desert the plains and remain out of site until the winter was over.
(d) Enter the camp and allow enough of them to be killed to avoid the tribe starving.

5. What happened to Blue Bird at the age of fourteen while picking beans with her grandmother?
(a) She had a vision of her future daughter.
(b) She saw a shooting star.
(c) She found a magic coin.
(d) Her family was attacked and killed.

6. What causes Blue Bird to worry Waterlily is going to die in Chapter 3?
(a) The words spoken to her by her grandmother.
(b) A sign from God.
(c) Her husband is trying to kill both of them.
(d) Her weakening condition.

7. What does Gloku take every opportunity to do to Blue Bird in Chapter 6?
(a) Introduce her to the new people at the camp.
(b) Criticize the way she raises her daughter.
(c) Make fun of the way she speaks.
(d) Tell her she is no good.

8. What state does Gloku find Waterlily in when she returns to her tipi in Chapter 8?
(a) A hallucinogenic trance.
(b) She is extremely hyper.
(c) She is lying on the floor of the tipi very still.
(d) She has gone insane.

9. What does Rainbow find in the bushes when he investigates in Chapter 9?
(a) A rabid coyote.
(b) A bag of gold.
(c) Waterlily and Little Chief.
(d) A dead Indian.

10. What are Dakota women taught is important from early childhood?
(a) Keeping a night watch.
(b) Pleasing their husband with cooking.
(c) Living an honorable life.
(d) Prayer to God.

11. Where is Blue Bird having friends and family call on her in Chapter 4?
(a) The middle of the camp circle.
(b) At the spot where Waterlily was born.
(c) In her own tipi.
(d) She is not allowing friends and family call on her.

12. What doesn't seem to help Waterlily's illness at all in Chapter 3?
(a) Several people singing to her.
(b) The medicines given to her mother by a shaman.
(c) Small sips of cool water given to her by her mother.
(d) Any of the medicines the women of the tribe suggest her mother tried.

13. What does Star Elk refuse to do in Chapter 3 out of anger towards Blue Bird?
(a) Feed her.
(b) To go and see his newborn baby.
(c) Speak to her for two weeks.
(d) Share his peace pipe with her.

14. What surprise does Rainbow have for Blue Bird in Chapter 5, concerning their trip?
(a) The secluded spot he has chosen to camp.
(b) He is not going on the trip.
(c) He is taking her out of the country.
(d) His parents are chaperoning them.

15. Why does Blue Bird name her daughter Waterlily?
(a) She could not think of a better name.
(b) She was commanded to by the chief.
(c) It was her grandmother's name.
(d) She was born near water-lilies and her mother thinks she is as beautiful as the water-lilies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What job is given to Little Chief in Chapter 9?

2. How does Blue Bird notice Rainbow is different from Star Elk?

3. How does Waterlily feel about the man Little Chief is becoming in Chapter 9?

4. How do the Dakotas feel about their siblings' accomplishments?

5. What is Rainbow going to do to Waterlily because he is so glad she is alive?

(see the answer keys)

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