Waterland Test | Final Test - Medium

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Waterland Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the student club that Price is part of?
(a) The Students For the Future Society.
(b) The Tom Crick Admirers Association.
(c) Concerned Students for Democratic Change.
(d) The Holocaust Club/Anti-Armageddon League.

2. What is the question Price asks Tom during their evening spent together that shakes Tom most deeply?
(a) Whether Tom truly loves Mary.
(b) Whether Tom has ever considered ending it all.
(c) Whether Tom even would want to bring children into the world as it is.
(d) Whether Tom isn't actually happy about having been fired.

3. Which of the following is NOT in the chest Tom and Dick open in the attic?
(a) A portrait picture of their mother when she was young and beautiful.
(b) Four thick notebooks that are Ernest Atkinson's journals.
(c) A letter from Ernest Atkinson to Dick.
(d) Eleven bottles of Coronation Ale.

4. Why does Mary tell Dick that she is pregnant with Freddie Parr's child?
(a) She wants Dick to make Freddie leave her alone.
(b) She tells Dick it isn't his child, sees his anger, and wants to protect Tom.
(c) She wants to end her love lessons with Dick.
(d) She's being silly, but Dick doesn't understand that she is joking.

5. Where does Tom Crick take Price to talk about Tom's forced retirement?
(a) The British Library in downtown London.
(b) Gildsey.
(c) Greenwich Park.
(d) A pub called The Duke's Head.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Tom go after he leaves Mary at the insane asylum?

2. While Harry Crick recovers from his ordeal, whom does Mary remind him of?

3. What is the title Ernest Atkinson gives Dick in the letter?

4. What does Tom think is a superstition people believed in "once upon a time"?

5. What does the letter reveal to Tom and Dick about Dick?

(see the answer keys)

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